Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Active member
Aug 17, 2020
this is a very generic story where the twist is that he’s actually an old ass man but the problem is that they completely disregarded that idea from the start and so there is no twist, just a generic isekai story
Apr 29, 2020
Well i have no right to judge your view but i think everything has its up and down, first of all religion is shit is not correct at all cause many good things also come out of it and most of our modern things achieved because of religion both directly and indirectly, many of modern views won't available if there's no religion like a concept what is considered good by society and what's bad both is a product of religions. Religion often portrayed as old thing and outdated and not good in modern era is a product of a different perspective one might see it, you can hear a lot about the issues of religions but it's all because of the human itself. All religions if you see it through are generally the same as what most people considered a good thing to be done but because people get used to it they forget from where it's originated, many religions reshape the society in their era to more advanced view like what we have now, if you see thing from the bad you will always see its bad and never its good but when you see its good you'll know the reason why, many of modern days invention and view developed from very extremely dark past such as war, etc. Not all good things come from good things but most comes from the bad and to be able to understand religions more don't start with modern standard but from the standard of society from the time that religions emerged and then you'll know why they're not shitty as you said
Jan 7, 2020
What you said is true but you are also cherry-picking your information and blatantly ignoring the problems caused by religion. You can't just chalk up all the bad things that come about because of religion as the people doing bad things and ignore the role that religion played in people doing those bad things. For example the Aztecs. They performed live human sacrifices as a result of their religion. You can't just blame that on the Aztec people and ignore their religion. Another, more mainstream example is Christianity. The Crusades were a direct result of Christianity, as well as the Salem witch trials and all the other phobia regarding "witches" at the time. Another problem is what's happening right now with Israel and Palestine. You can't say that that's due to just the people and ignore the role that religion has played in that conflict.
Jun 15, 2018
"many of modern views won't available if there's no religion like a concept what is considered good by society and what's bad both is a product of religions. " - False. In fact much of what has been discovered what is actually good for society directly goes against the religious tenets of almost ALL religions and the few that are good were practice before it was incorporated/justified by religion.

" many religions reshape the society in their era to more advanced " - False. All religions actively suppress advancement of one type or another and most suppress all.

" if you see thing from the bad you will always see its bad and never its good but when you see its good you'll know the reason why, many of modern days invention and view developed from very extremely dark past such as war, etc" - There are evil men who will do evil and good men who do good. But for a good man to do evil you need religion. And if you understand psychology, you understand how totalitarian regimes function identical to theocracies. Good example would be North Korea (although more and more is becoming an actual theocracy).

"understand religions more don't start with modern standard but from the standard of society from the time that religions emerged and then you'll know why they're not shitty as you said" - the whole "it was a different time/era" excuse is bullshit. People knew it was shitty then. Why do you think they strove to avoid the shit they did to others and called others doing to them evil? Society always knew slavery has always been known to be evil. It just needed religion to excuse it. Society always knew rape to be evil. It just needed religion to excuse.

The more I study the histories of religion and it doesn't matter which ones, the more I realize how much a drain they have been on humanity ever since settled in groups more than a 100.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
So within the first few chapters this manga starts victim blaming women over the clothes they wear and the mc switches between nice and completely not nice. Not a good manga imo.
Apr 10, 2018
MC's personality/demeanor, motivation/goals, morals/ethics, and even his memory changes between chapters.
Is he a nice guy? Or isn't he? Is he the type to take advantage of others for personal gain? Or is he a benevolent character that does good for people while asking nothing in return?
Is his goal to go along with the flow? Is it to get out of debt, as per like, the first chapter? Is it to fight good fights? Is it for some diluted kind of justice?
Does he have a clean slate memory? Or doesn't he? Early on, midway through, and towards the current chapters translated as of this post, he seems to have a VERY functioning memory of his Earth life

His menagerie doesn't fare much better
Are Girls # 1&2 supposed to be absolutely incompetent? Or are they his greatest allies? Are they supposed to be a burden? Are they only supposed to be eye candy?
Girl # 3 is kinda absolutely bland and self-explanatory. If she was completely omitted there'd only be a small plot hole easily written around.
Does Girl # 4 actually get to have a plot? Or was it the 'one and done' story so they can have her type in the harem?
Dec 19, 2020
i mean he died when he was 94 and was reincarnated into a 18 yr old body why does he still say "im fkin 90 so i need a viagra" so is his physical and mentality still 94 or just his mentality is 94. i mean he is reincarnated as a young man so his ding dong shudnt be a problem so is thr writer telling us he is still physically and mentally 18 or mentally 94 but physically 18??!?!
Jun 27, 2018
All religions if you see it through are generally the same as what most people considered a good thing to be done but because people get used to it they forget from where it's originated, many religions reshape the society in their era to more advanced view like what we have now, if you see thing from the bad you will always see its bad and never its good but when you see its good you'll know the reason why, many of modern days invention and view developed from very extremely dark past such as war, etc. Not all good things come from good things but most comes from the bad and to be able to understand religions more don't start with modern standard but from the standard of society from the time that religions emerged and then you'll know why they're not shitty as you said

I don't see how any religion aside of Christianity ever reshaped their society into something better. Christianity is the only religion that removed sacrificial practices that were common in nearly every ancient religion that was replaced by it, and it strictly separates between religion and society.
The thing to notice is that Christianity mostly influenced European culture and development, while leaving other societies in the dust, because it only enables the capable societies. A society that doesn't have the capabilities to evolve past a certain level do not gain anything from Christianity, and instead it causes their downfall by being unable to cope with conflicts that involve other non-Christian groups.
That's the point where we have to introduce Heraclitus of Ephesus, the famous philosopher who coined the term that war is to everything a king and a father. Of course rivalry provides incentives to advance as a society in some aspects (e.g. technology, means of production, social order,etc.) to not become extirpated by a foreign or intern force. However, this again is limited to the basic capability of the society, which is determined by their fitness and ultimately also their potency in the field of intelligence.

Not without a reason we have a globally widespread White Western society everywhere, it is because Christianity influenced a society that had been naturally selected to be resilient and intelligent to evolve past the societal pressure from elites that held the reigns over the means of production for almost 10 centuries (from 8th to 18th century),allowing a great advancement in art and science.

And before someone says something about the "church"/"churches", I'll add that they have nothing to do with Christianity, they just use it as a tool to make people submit to them. Jesus never wanted for people to create a hierarchy within his followers that divides them in casts of the knowing and the dumb followers who just gobble up the crumbs thrown at them (if at all, since the Bible was only available in Latin,Hebrew and Greek for a long time, and liturgy also used these languages for their mass services).
It's obvious that the churches would try to prevent the people to emancipate themselves as free believers in Christ since they would lose their influence and money (it was common practice to pay one tenth of your income to the church as tax), so they kept their followers illusioned about their belief, and only after the 16th century, people started to embrace the real Christianity in Europe.

On that note it's actually hilarious what people talk about here (i.e. the commentary of the author) since it's empty from the beginning. The Japanese culture had already been partially replaced by the time of the 2nd world war since Japanese people had been approaching Western culture ever since the time right before the Meiji restauration. Fukuzawa Yukichi is the biggest example for these progressive people who were in favor of forsaking parts of their identity to receive Western knowledge and cultural traditions in return to adopt a stance that showed the Japanese people a way to advance into an industrialized(and thus Westernized) future.
He's not on the 10000 Yen bill for nothing, he was probably the single-most important Japanese person who made everything possible that brought Japan an advantage in the 1930s/1940s when it came to occupying China and Korea.

In the end the means were provided by the White man of Europe, and if they did this more with China/Korea, the roles just might've been reversed and the Korean people would be the ones calling the Japanese names out of feeling of superiority.
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2020
What the hell are you even reading?????
He is a war veteran, a 90yr old dude who got reincarnated into a 18yr old kid.
Now, in this situation, you definitely will have a mentality of 90y/o dude...... All your fucking life you have seen your own transition from kid to old man... And out of blue if you got reincarnated into a teenage boy, will you just forget and start behaving like a kid????
No..... Inshort he has a mentality of a old man and physicality of a teenager.
Feb 7, 2021
goddammit! human and their stupid " fiction made by people of reality, therefore it's real " mentality. i've seen worse than hate speech. i'd rather fight my father's kidnappers again than to cancel my entertaiments. just because he sells lots better, they dare to kidnap a father. nowadays people just hating just because. what a fucking joke. evolution? more like devolution or regression.
i hope my children doesn't have to live thru this stupidity.

note to myself, calm yourself. ignore'em just like the usual.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Anime when? I want this to be animated on par with Mushoku Tensei.

I wonder if the beast lands and that other continent are being invaded while the MC does his stuff in the human lands. Need more elf girl!

Someone should point out to the resident hook-nosed commentator that his postings are enabled by Christians and Christian technology. Christians obsessed with anime bewbies, of course. That, and the Church notions of feast days and holidays and rest for the working class were promptly replaced by Napoleon, product of the French Revolution, which brought the 8-day work week (look it up, it's hilariously depressing and by the way when folks point of Chinese are slave laborers they mean most Chinese work with about 3-4 days of rest per month and 2-3 is more common... ah I'm just gonna become even more depressed.) Then there's the invention of the computer by someone from the Holy Roman Empire killed by a church schism turned war by secular interest, a scholar who also happened to preserve the language of these mystery meat people... hrm I wonder why the mystery meat nosensteins couldn't preserve their language themselves and needed Christian computer scientists to do it for them. Then there's Plutarcho Elias Calles literally hanging every Christian he could find from telegraph poles (evidentially killing Christians was more important than developing an electric grid so they had to settle for the telegraphs). Then there's the Soviet Union basically doing a sneakier version of what Calles did in Mexico. Then there's the little detail that all these folks are connected by the Rothschilds and the Fabian Society, i.e. a bunch of insane atheistic eugenicists whom the first eugenicist, Galton, scientifically described as being so mentally handicapped they lacked an inner eye or a capacity for mental visualization... haaah, why bother, it's all so tiresome.

I'm sure this comment will be deleted and the hook-nosed commentator's comment left up... like always happens... you can just look this stuff up that I write on google, ya know, mods, maybe check the details of my retorts to retards on the mangadex before you blindly delete the truth that is one google search away....

EDIT Wait a second, what happened to the comment section? A couple of years ago we were all joking how not enough Chinese got decapitated and how the author was hilarious and awesome, and now everyone is a stuck-up sanctimonious retard. Hrm, times change, or commentators spam, dunno....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2021
I continue to read because the world and the plot are quite interesting and could have many turnarounds, but
the slave part is heating me up as I don't want mc's friends to get hurt... It's just not my thing.
I mean past this fact, the hero could at least use his abilities right, like go after shion's mother, or plot to take over some other big shot, but no. To me it feels like something could have been done better here, maybe on the character, imo. Or on the plot, in a certain way.
Sep 16, 2019
oh god i really hate it when some character say something like "this will be entertaining huh?" or really annoying man like after saying that they will think their plan is super perfect or something and think the mc is dancing at the palm of their hand after that when they meet the mc and realize that the mc is crazy op they start to go stupid and stuff lmao what the hell am i saying? lol anyway it's just annoying.

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