@senshi912 I'd be happy to try and collab with you in some way if that would help you feel more comfortable at all? But I feel that; I actually subbed 1.2 for my own personal use and was thinking of releasing at least a script translation for it (I own the 1.2 script myself, too), but second guessed myself, and then saw someone (you, I'm guessing) had beat me to it.
I might still release a script style translation just since I already put the work in, and to try to get more eyes on the stage plays, which are just fantastic... though I apologize if that would feel like I was stepping on your toes.
I'm also working on a script translation for KimiShi Zero_Kai. I have the Red End, Black End, and White Extra on BD, plus the script for Red End. So right now I'm working on Red End and then I'll try my hand at Black End.