Nihonkoku Shoukan - Vol. 9 Ch. 42 - The Imperial Army Military Base

Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Legalize nuclear bombs
even if they did do you know how long it would take to create enough refined nuclear material, construct a detonation device, construct the housing and retrofit a bomber to drop said device as well as get approval from the government and consent from the public its easier to just carpet bomb painted targets
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020
even if they did do you know how long it would take to create enough refined nuclear material, construct a detonation device, construct the housing and retrofit a bomber to drop said device as well as get approval from the government and consent from the public its easier to just carpet bomb painted targets
Well, Japan is considered to be a de facto nuclear state. Tho, if Japan needs to 'teach' the big baddies (Ravernal Empire and the
Annonrial Empire
. Tho the Gra Valkas Empire is a good testing ground for atomic weapons) a lesson they will never forget, Japan must create a thermonuclear device. the bombing of Hiroshima,or introduction of nuclear weapons.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2018
Gate and this series are the one of the major reasons why I started reading fanfics. The concepts of these series are pretty dang awesome. At least from a "let's go flex military might" POV.
But the one big issue that comes with the Japanese execution of the series is that the US exists.
And it's one of the most obvious and well-known facts that the US prides itself in spending billions to keep itself on top of the military game. Meanwhile, Japan is much more pacifist by nature in military matters, at least these days and especially compared to the US.
That's why every time I read these series, while I still do enjoy reading them, I keep thinking about what if the US was here instead. Just how much more efficiently would they handle, at least the offense part of the story? And that's where fanfictions of these two series as well as stories inspired by them come around.
And we get the US with its filthy high defence budget being thrown at the Empire and the Gra Valkans...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
No idea how you input things here, but it's way off base (first guess would be looking at speed and the fact you're saying you jettisoned tanks). They have a combat range of 627 nautical miles with a 1,247 lb. payload at 477 knots (548.55 mph) over 2.75 hours, with a combat speed of 1110 knots (1276.5 mph). External fuel tanks also almost double their capacity, from 1,073 gallons to 1,813 gallons.

The Japanese F-2 is basically just a modified/upgraded F-16, thus the PDF sourcing, just to note that the range shown was way off. You're right on the weight difference, though. Of course they could also just be flying in from carriers nearby- but I'll mark this down to the mangaka being more focused on the weapons and forgetting the fuel tanks.

...I wish you wouldn't try and "correct" people when every single metric you use is demonstrably wrong. This is just wasting my time and I don't really appreciate it.

1.) The F-2 is not an F-16. Yes, it is based off of the airframe but the F-2 is larger, has larger fuel tanks, has a larger wing (about 25% larger) and has more lift because of it. This changes every single aspect of its range and payload capacity and does so in very meaningful ways.


Because of this, using it to calculate fuel, range or payload in comparison to the F-2 is not applicable. At all.

2.) You cite a 1,247 pound payload for range (for the entirely differently sized aircraft) which is ignoring and overlooking two things: me citing their exact loadout (okay, now that I'm looking back it's 2x instead of 4x AAM-3s like I selected, but an extra 2x AAM-3s is not going to drastically impact anything here) and the manga showing their loadout. They're flying with 12x (TER with 3x Mk82s x2 on each wing - 12) Mark 82 Snakeyes. That's a 6,840 pound payload. That's OVER FIVE TIMES THE PAYLOAD WEIGHT you used to try and say my math is wrong.

3.) They aren't utilizing externals and, no, they likely didn't drop them either. They aren't be attacked, they have no reason to drop them. They aren't facing peer air threats. They have no reason to drop them.

4.) ...F-2s, and F-16s, are not carrier-capable aircraft. They have no tailhook, they have no ability to be launched and operated via catapult/CATOBAR and their landing gear are not capable of carrier landings. And Japan does not even have a carrier capable of operating... ANY... fixed wing aircraft in this manga's timeline. (Manga takes place in 2015 onwards, so no F-35B, and even the Japanese helicopter carriers aren't still configured for operational deployment of F-35Bs even in 2024, with the most that's been done is some USMC F-35Bs testing landings and take-offs on the Izumo just earlier this year.)

TL;DR: My range is correct except for the extra 2x AAM-3s (which adds a whopping 400 pounds to the aircraft and the missiles themselves are low drag - I doubt you'd get more than an extra dozen or so NM out of them not being there) and yours is entirely wrong based on the entirely wrong and different airframe and weight figures that at half an order of magnitude off and wrong.

I guarantee you CMANO did the math correctly to within a percentage point or two. It's a simulator used by defense analysts and contractors for a reason.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Like Amariithynar said below, you need to look carefully at the layout of the runway on page 14. You can see the middle section are the wood planks laid on top of the rock/soil of the hill, while both rear and front end of the runway are extended from the hill by the wooden structure. So it's not wrong that the destroyed wooden structure shows the hollow below while the center most portion show broken wooden planks and craters from the ground below.

I dunno, looking at some of the locations of the craters it definitely looks like where the area on stilts is in some locations.
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Jan 28, 2018
They couldn't deploy Wyverns because the runway was destroyed? Why would a wyvern need a runway?
They don't have fixed wings like planes, they just flap. Surely the wild ones don't have runways.
There are some larger species of birds that require a flat surface "runway" (usually a body of water) to gain enough speed to take off. I could see wyverns loaded with armor and riders needing space to pick up speed before taking off.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
These Planes look more like for paratroopers not Bombing

They aren't.

You're not going to fit many people in a P-3 Orion and it's not used for drops. There's no ramp or anything besides the crew that's at their stations. And the doors are not optimized for lines of airborne troops to go out of at all.

Japan has C-130s and Kawasaki C-1s and C-2s that are used for airborne drops and made to be capable of them.

(There's also the issue that P-3 Orions were never intended to be a bomber and I'm only aware of America doing test bomb drops with them and the capability was an after-thought. I don't believe it was ever operationally deployed in that configuration. There's no CCIP or bomb sight on them normally so the accuracy is going to be lackluster to say the least.)


Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020
These Planes look more like for paratroopers not Bombing
They aren't.

The P-3 Orion is not used for dropping troops. They are ASW aircraft, used to hunt submarines. The P-3Cs are now being replaced by the Kawasaki P-1, which will later appear in the manga. The P-1s are already operational in the WN version

Japan has C-130s, Kawasaki C-1s and C-2s that are used for airborne drops and made to be capable of them. The C-2s being used for airborne drops will be shown in the manga in the future (but in the WN, they are used in Capture of Valkyries Base in the ongoing New World War.)
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2020
Got damn, now that how i imagine a country with current tech fight againt foes with ww1 era stuffs
Much better: Japan is fighting the Gra Valkas Empire, a transferred country with WW2-level tech. They declared war against the whole world, and now their asses are being destroyed by Japan in the WN version
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2023
These Planes look more like for paratroopers not Bombing
Do people have memory that last less than 1 month or plainly don't pay any attention to anything said or shown in the manga? Just last chapter, ch 41, the first page already explained they retrofitted the Anti-Sub Warfare P-3 Orion to carry bombs, 40 x mk. 82 500lb bombs and rechristened it BP-3C
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2021
I actually suspect they're going to drop propaganda on them, rather than bomb and level them. That would be the most destructive thing; destroying the people's confidence in the higher ups. If they think their generals and royalty are immoral scum who are committing immoral deeds, then how can they demand to lead and unify the world?
Feb 4, 2019
even if they did do you know how long it would take to create enough refined nuclear material, construct a detonation device, construct the housing and retrofit a bomber to drop said device as well as get approval from the government and consent from the public its easier to just carpet bomb painted targets
The US base on Japan along with it's carrier group got transported too. I bet the group had a few nuke subs with it just in case that world's China/Russia/North Korea tried something.

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