Another great work from Asano (I really like the guy's works, okay?)
Once again dwelling into the darkness of the human mind, the violence, hatred and guilt, with some touches of fantasy and psychological horror without completly falling into it
You can draw some similarities between this and Asano's other works, you know, the dialogue heavy, dark, pessimistic and violent story. This overall tragic and terrible story, is told through multiple time jumps between the characters, making it quite tricky to follow but quite distintive from other works, but at the same time giving each character their own time and space to display their demons
Usually with Asano you get characters with different personality traits. This time you get a bunch of them being the worst (I mean at least at some points you would feel sorry por Punpun) None of them are likeable, not even a tiny bit, but I guess that was point?
And also, as most of his work, the art is impressive and detailed, not as refined as DDDD, but you can see him going in that direction. Although, you can see, through most of his earlier works, the same characters designs over and over again, but I think that's nitpicking a bit on his overall great storytelling ability
Another great "awful" story by Asano. The time jumping storytelling device may make it a bit difficult to follow