She is an adventurer. They climb the tallest mountains, travel to inhospitable lands, research in most difficult conditions... they do pretty much anything a cautious person would absolutely never dare doing, cause all that is on their minds are conquest, revelation, and the fame that goes with it. And yet without adventurers our world would be much smaller and far more mysterious today.What is it with these reporter types that think they'll be fine no matter what?
…Finished reading the chapter, right?I havent finished yet
It helps that she's got figure with, ah, the right curves in chest area, that makes suspenders nicely stretched over it. That's hot design, tomboyish and old-style fashionable, like handsome gentleman, but at same time showing off feminine charmsmy GOD she wears suspenders so well. I havent finished yet but this is very importamt
At this rate, the central mystery isn’t how she died so horribly, it’s how she survived so long in the first place!I gotta say, the woman is really not giving any sympathy points with her behavior. She KNOWS how fucked up things can get with the supernatural, she's seen that many times before. And yet she still tries to stick her nose in everywhere? What is it with these reporter types that think they'll be fine no matter what?
Then again, the guy isn't also blameless either, he needs to really explain what the hell kinds of dangers there are to her, and WHY she shouldn't be doing what she's doing. Just going "Stop!" isn't going to explain anything.
ok so I feel like an idiot saying this earlier bc whenever I tried wearing them they always slipped towards the centre or got asymmetrical and wonky but i looked it up and theres a really simple way of avoiding it (crossing them over at your back) that I wasn't doing bcs i was just copying it from ig. but my comment still stadnsmy GOD she wears suspenders so well. I havent finished yet but this is very importamt
Eh, she has family issues that haven't been explored yet. I'm waiting for the author to expand more on her motivations before judging. I think her bizarrely self-endangering and persistent behavior is more than can just be chalked up to "annoying character".I gotta say, the woman is really not giving any sympathy points with her behavior. She KNOWS how fucked up things can get with the supernatural, she's seen that many times before. And yet she still tries to stick her nose in everywhere? What is it with these reporter types that think they'll be fine no matter what?
Then again, the guy isn't also blameless either, he needs to really explain what the hell kinds of dangers there are to her, and WHY she shouldn't be doing what she's doing. Just going "Stop!" isn't going to explain anything.