or do, that might be a fun way for him to goThat IS a foolp roof plan. And try not to make the nice little witch "tentacles" angry, dude.
What the fuck!? I just noticed the completed status. Oh ffs, another one got axed... And this was fun. Man, I'm slightly starting to dislike reading mangas, either stuff get dragged with no end in sight, get dropped by TLs or gets axed/ends up as LN ad. Some interesting stuff gets dirt and a bunch of generic ass romcoms who beat the shit out of 2 decades old tropes are still alive1 chapter left. Either this is an axe or a swift kick in that asshole's balls
Allow me to remind you that he full on attempted murder on an entirely unrelated individual because of his own self-induced delusions.Honestly, I would really like if it ended with them fixing their friendship. We never actually see that so it would be a good change of pace for the genre.
Oh my god, really?! Ffs another one bit the dust.1 chapter left. Either this is an axe or a swift kick in that asshole's balls