She must keep her weapons hidden, for when her true form is revealed, no mortal man can withstand it.I had to look back at previous chapters--I had no memory of her being that STACKED!
And she certainly is the death of him.She may be death, but her body is very lively.
Wonder what makes a mole a beauty mole? Does it just add to the person's appeal being at the right spot? But what makes something beautiful is subjective depending on the person, since a mole near a woman's armpit could be considered a 'beauty mole' depending on who's looking at it. So does that mean a mole anywhere could be made a beauty mole, or did someone just coin the term for some weird reason?That mole on the boob looks cute ngl
Anything counts as a beauty mark if the person is already attractive enough. It's like how rich people aren't insane, they're eccentricWonder what makes a mole a beauty mole? Does it just add to the person's appeal being at the right spot? But what makes something beautiful is subjective depending on the person, since a mole near a woman's armpit could be considered a 'beauty mole' depending on who's looking at it. So does that mean a mole anywhere could be made a beauty mole, or did someone just coin the term for some weird reason?