For anyone not getting the last page, Tanuki (たヌキ) as written in raw means remove 'ta'. So just get rid of all the た and you are left with エラは犯人 (Era is the culprit).
What are they, vegetarian fish 😂 if they aren't eating other fish or fish eggs how do they survive. Will there ever be a chapter when everyone just tells her oh, we've been eating each other
I'm pretty sure that coded message is a reference to something. It's not the first time I've seen a "remove the tanuki to get the real message" thing in manga. Possibly has to due with the fact that tanuki are masters of disguise in folklore? So if you remove the tanuki, you get the truth.
I didn’t know about the whole remove the tanuki answer to the message. I just stared hard at it for a minute and eventually saw the message. Didn’t know there was a trick to it so now I fell stupid.