when you said "taking break", i though at least until end of month! not this fast. really lived up reputation of The infamous speedy gabriel TL, glad you picking this series and as always tyvm.Sup. Happy new year. Hope you had a great end of year. I for one did.
Two chapters TLd, both had 焼き芋... What's the chance desuwa?
Schedule is tentatively back to 2/week as before, no promises ofc, but next TL will be Nyoroko, or I will just keep kicking the little can I promised months ago for a long time.
No loose ends,that's just how good of an assassin she is.Guess the author wants to solidify that these One-off characters will never come back.
oh i was gonna make a joke about transubstantiationTo anyone thinking she turned the Ninjas into potaotes, quick reminder that roasting Swet Potatoes on dry leaves during autum is a very japanese thing to do (at least I saw it in a ton of anime and manga).
It was surprisingly difficult to find images relating to that.