@ikstarven imagine not knowing sadpanda when every nhentai upload came from there.
And there are several hentai scans that also upload here in mangadex one of them is biribiri heck there are even scan group that will point out their mangadex page in the credits.
We’re just lucky sadpanda decide to stay(cause of the server issues and the owner really wasn’t motivated enough and money to get a new server) or else there will be a second exodus but this time every single hentai scan will start to upload content here and the servers will get fucked up again. I mean the news of sad panda ending was big enough that vice made an article about it.
I assume you are too young to even read hentai considering you have no idea what sad panda i do understand that majority of internet user doesn’t know the site but if you are a fan of hentai doujins then majority of them should knows what sad panda is. It’s like saying you watch porn but has never heard of pornhub.