There is a popularity vote and hate votes that does not reflect anything of its real value.
Wait a minute, are you saying people are voting based on their personal bias? Wow that's just too far.
No I get it, a bunch of genres/tags are disliked by certain individuals and they go for the small dick move of down-voting all manga containing them. It's petty but in reality it just sets a new standard.
Rating systems have
always had this exact fault, there's no ideal solution to it other than familiarizing yourself with the userbase enough to learn what and why people rate certain things poorly and then base your own judgement of the rating with that information in mind.
I have my own genre preferences and am aware of which of those generally get poor ratings simply because of their tags. With that in mind I can simply choose to be more lenient when judging if such manga is worth looking closer at based on its score.
However if the rating system is removed entirely, I'd be be completely unable to dismiss utter trash manga at a glance. I'm way more willing to give an isekai with low ranking a chance, but even I can't really think of one with an average of 5 that is worth reading. Sure I'll give those with ~6 a chance if the plot sounds mildly intriguing but there's some sort of magical breaking point at the 5-6 mark.
Manga review is also pending where if you shitpost with no ground and well explained reason,people will downvote you.
I'll have you know my shitposts are always based on facts. Also it's cute that you think removing one rating system and replacing it with another will not simply shift to the new rating system getting unfairly bombed. Except it'll be waay harder to properly judge whether reviews are rated unfairly , unlike now when I can just look at the voting statistic.
false ratings that scare away readers do direct harm to the translators who get donations by the otherwise potentialy requested manga.
If people are unable to easily sift through things they'll certainly dislike, more time is spent on skimming reviews and reading manga they'll drop within a few chapters cause their judgement was off.
This means less overall manga reading time which translates to less donations.