Yayyy, my favorite ongoing manga is baaack! Thanks to the scanlators for returning this. : )
And of course we have another discussion about this concept called "normality". But this time seen from a perspective entirely opposed to Takahashi's! As someone mentioned in this thread, whereas she goes to pains to pass for a normal human, Niehara is blending in so it can kill normal humans. In other words, it wants to destroy this world's normality. (Also different from Itou's grandmother who seems to have withdrawn from it)
And it is speaking out an aspect of normality that was only implicitly acknowledged before: normality is
enforced. Stray too far from that realm of normality and people, the majority, society itself, will consider you a threat to their normal world and thus label you a monster and in the best case shun or either fetishize you, and in the worst murder you.
Society needs to function, humanity needs be corralled. When only a narrow set of behaviors is accepted, people with proclivities for what lies outside that set, will suffer and be oppressed
So! That means! In order to live according to their desires, they
have to reject that set and thus at the very least in their heart of hearts, they have become a rebel. A destroyer of the normal world, a revolutionary. It is that or internalizing the set of values. But if it is an oppressive set of values, that is but the same as planting churning thorns in your heart. In time they will strangle and bury your faculties for happiness.
Itou yearns to be normal because she want to connect to the companionship that the normal world can offer in abundance. She wants to be liked, to be loved. But she also wants to be true to herself. More precisely, she seems to be seeking a certain code that would make her abnormalness be accepted. But she can't just declare herself normal, as Niehara makes a poignant point that one is more declared abnormal or normal by others.
Still, there are ways of becoming normalized, but she would still be changing that set of behaviors. Which is deemed often monstrous in itself. And there is her conundrum. She wants to eat her cake and to have it too. Be accepted as she is by society at large, but also refusing to acknowledge that as she is is currently abnormal in that very society. Which is not the worst attitude to have, honestly, but it can risk crushing disappointment and an underestimation of what it takes to be normal.
But if we acknowledge that it is possible to normalize abnormality, then we discover it is not really about destroying normality itself. That "normality" isn't the problem, since I do consider it is good some abnormal activities stay abnormal (like throwing a baby to the crocodiles) But rather that it is an oppressive normality against ways of beings that aren't harmful at all. Then where did that come from and is it possible then, to have a normality that is
not oppressive,
not hierarchical? How many worlds should be destroyed for that? : )
Sidenote: Niehara's last question reminds me of this:
Tetsuo : The Iron Man is a very abnormal and spectacular movie, give it a watch if you don't mind it is also a rather violent movie.