I think I need to re-read this from like chapter one, maybe few times, to try to understand MC. It seems he behaves like a brain-less drone. Every other person kinda works fine, kidnapped girls falling for the captor? Sure could work. Rapist doing his NTR rapist stuff? Sure. Police having magical "insight"? Watched enough TV shows about cops to be fine with it. But MC? He is like a brain-less drone, driven by mixed signals send by his dick and demon "master", splashed with his typical beta spine-less cuckery thoughts.
At this point I just actually hope his life and the rapists dude lives get ruined, and the bad girls get freed and learn to not be bitches and have normal lives, and the raped CHF somehow gets thought to have a normal love-full live too. Cause if CHF ends being lustful dick loving slut like typical NTR female, bad guys end up in jail but not for shit they did, but for shit MC managed to "accuse" them off (like that one dude taken for supposedly kidnapping girls), and the bad girls become full blown harem going for MC dick, and he himself somehow becomes a "villain in glasses" playboy - happy ending - then I will be heavily disappointed. Especially if they somehow add MC NTRing back his CHF.
Like I said in previous chapter. I kinda think this will end up with MC fucked over. He will get his harem of girls he NTRed in revenge, somehow find himself liking them, and then he will remember his CHF - broken beyond saving, realize his whole revenge plan was useless waste of time. Potentially harem girls will get "freed" and accuse him of all the shit he done and him going to jail or something. And demon girl laughing at him, maybe even telling him it was all her plan and she used him and stuff (like her not telling him anything about whats happening to CHF behind the dudes revenge plans).