@marshymallowy i did read it. i was joking. jokes can still be jokes even if theyre bad ones. youre still doing that assuming thing, weird that. have you tried not assuming people are trying to hurt you? maybe joking more would help

i was not trying to be mean or insulting, im sorry you dont enjoy jokes and i hope someone in your life can teach you the joys or not giving a f about what others say ^,^
alternatively, you could drop the preset notion of me you formed when you assumed i was trying to insult you or work speed and realize it was a mistake. but hey if not thats also fine ^,^ ill know not to try joking here since it hurts you.
do you want to chat about fluffy aliens? because if not probably shouldnt carry on this conversation then ^,^
edit: ^ this is called giving someone a way out. its an attempt to end a conversation without additional hostilities or an attempt to patch things up.