Isn't this a good idea for the prince's reputation? I mean, by him appearing in Yulia's event and making it looks like that the prince is also investing in her business, he will look like a prince with a flair and talent for business too.
@Vacxy Bullied? All they've really done is ban her from the store and also not be interested in being friends/capture targets. She has one guy madly in love with her regardless, who she's 'leading on' regardless, it's not like she's owed time with the prince of the country in addition.
Like sure she deserves to have more friends 'cause everyone deserves some friends, but y'know, if one friend group doesn't want you, what you do is look for a diff one, not feel entitled about it.
@Vacxy How is she bullied...? She was just banned, who Yulia had every right to do since she is the owner of the establishment. She was the one slandered Yulia to Mieger tho 😂
Wait... photos?
Is this 1888?
Btw 1888 is when the first comercial camera was made.
You could take 100 photos and send them to kodak to have the proccesed.
The camera cost $25 and $10 to process including sending it. Which in todays dollars 25 usd is worth around 690 usd (ha funny number) and 10usd is worth around 270 usd.