From the creator of popular series like Two Piece, Daruto, and Detergent, comes the series Test, an award winning romantic comedy about a high school weapon meister named Yugi as he travels the entire world collecting all the Life Notes, so that one day he can recover his brother's body after performing the taboo of one punching the Titan we saw that day with his Stand and becoming the Nokage Pirate King -dattebayo. Watch as he roams through the Holy Empire of Britannia with his Onii-chan and generic harem girls as they conquer all odds with the power of friendship, love and...(why don't they just bang each other.) In this feature length epic rivaling that of Gilgamesh and the Iliad we will explore the mentality and sociology of these societal menaces as they ravage the Earth in their never quenchable thirst for imoutos.
Reviewers gives this series a 10/10 for the unconventional portrayal of the magical girl genre.
Nominated for the 1st Mangadex Award for Worst Manga of the Year.
Winner of the 2nd Mangadex Awards for Best Manga of the Year.
"Thanos kills Dumbledore" - Anonymous Reviewer
"Like zoinks, man it's Mr Bombastic." - Shaggy
"DEUS VULT!!" - Knight Templars
"There are zombies on my Lawn" - Crazy Astel
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Darth Vader
"The turtles! They're everywhere!" - #8699
"Who's Rem?" - Subaru Impreza
"I approb" - Oozora Subaru
"PURGE THE HERETICS" - The Space Marines