What....NO! I'm sorry to all those who have a thing for this....but this shouldn't have been made, let alone published! Ignoring the art and animated style here, because it doesn't matter how good you try to make this look....it's just the raping of a kid for 7 chapters (That Loli argument can only go so far, it's not a defence) . "Wait for the ending", no, stop, do not look at this, just because it's somewhat wholesome at the end? Only decent thing I can possibly say is that it doesn't seem to sexualize the girl or make it seem like she's getting into the horrible things that are happening to her. Maybe I've got this all wrong and the author wanted to pull a Metamorphizes to show a much more dark and realistic portrayal of these events which do happen, but since there's no real story or development here then you can't even say that.
Just please, anyone who's stupidly curious (like me), turn away here. The rest of you guys who jack off to this stuff? Talking to you DANDAN_THE_DANDAN, Get some help.