Hope she can make up with her friend one day
Maybe she'll save Yutaka, people will talk about in online and her friend will be able to see her and try to contact her again?
A bit wishfull, but hey, hope never killed anyone.
Pretty sad chapter. I had a bit of trouble understanding everything, but yeah, seing people around you suffer can break you if you're the empathic kind.
I kinda like the fact that she didn't care about what people what saying about her, but her friend cared, and in reverse, her friend didn't care about herself, but spider girl cared.
And holy shit that school staff. I think the most frustrating part is "Yeah it was self defense, yeah teachers should have reacted better for security, but, you know... you use your... you know... "Abilities"... Because you're different, get it? And that's not okay, get it?"
This part is way to realisitic. I've seen stuff like that in some schools with children coming from minorities, and holy heck...
Anyway, sad chapter, let's hope thing will get better. Also, can someone save that poor Yutaka? (I want to see him get princess carried by Tsukimi
