Ohayou Toka Oyasumi Toka

Jun 23, 2020
To those who saying they aren't related by blood, haven't you read the first chapter (p. 20)? That family tree states that their father is the same.
The only question is how old was Wahei when Hotaka was born? Why he wasn't aware of her? He is 28 and she seems to be older than 15, so he was 13 or younger when he was left by his father?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@altern12 Papa didn't seem involved in their lives... of course, I wonder if all 3 of the kids are papas... or maybe just the twins... though I don't think that matters... and maybe we aren't supposed to over think it...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@altern12 I think it’s mostly for the big sister and the MC that might not be blood related considering sister doesn’t have any memories regarding a father while the twins actually have them and the do like the father cause he played with them a lot and gave them picture books(the stuff he made)

And If I remember correctly he was left by his parents when he was 7 or 8 similar age to the twins. I guess its a common behavior for the dad.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2020
Usually for married couple it is until death do us part, but for this series it will be until the girls married.

@altern12 @altern12 not really, the father is known to be nomad, meaning he never stay in one place for too long, and I think what Hotaka mean is that she dont have earlier memory of her father, so maybe he is stayed for a short time after Hotaka is born then left before she is aware (of her surrounding) and come back again when the twin is born, and then came the start of the manga.
Jul 13, 2020

In one episode MC says something along the lines of "In ten years... I'd be 38, she (older sister) would be 26" or something like that, so yea, you're right.
I think the dad got married, had the MC, the mom left MC when he was really young, maybe around 6 or 7(?) since it seems like that in the flashback bits. Then maybe the dad got married again(?), had the older girl, 12 years after he had MC, then had the twins with the same woman, a few years later?
May 5, 2020
were getting close to the end, hope it gets picked up in english so i can pick up physical copies
Jul 29, 2019
I love the scanlator's note at the end of the chapter.. I'm from a normal family (no divorce, your typical Asian family), but I can completely understand why Wahei-kun feel frustrated after being "talked" by the girls' mother.
She's the one who shoved off her kids, and that's the main reason why they go to Wahei's place. How dare she said something as if Wahei is the one who kidnapped them? I know there are parents like this in real life.. I hope they will consider the childrens' feelings first when they wanted to remarry.
Mar 7, 2019
God, that's annoying. My parent divorced too, so I can say this with confidence: These kind of parents exist. The one that have some kind of savior complex, viewing their children as burden, and somehow gaslighting it to the children and everyone else that everything was for their sake. Seriously, unless your kid is mentally deficient, they know what remarriage means. No need to sugarcoat it for your own convenience.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I don’t think the the MC’s father was the one who made the older sister considering in the flashback she grew up with just mom and her so chances are she never knew her real father plus MC’s father only prioritized the twins who are his own kids if she was his kid she would at least have fond memories of him reading kids book to her.

She still calls him father considering she’s the first father she met
Jun 23, 2020
Dear translators, everything's alright? Just wondering why the next chapter is taking longer than usual to translate.

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