Okay, after reading these comments, I have a potentially hot take.
I kinda get where Gaius is coming from. I do agree with the overall sentiment that she can be happy alone, and that them getting together is not necessary for a happy ending. Dude totally screwed up. He's been acting dumb, and is sort of a POS. But there is a big difference between deliberate POS and accidental POS (of which I believe he's the later). The whole student body could tear him to shreds, but why do that to a person who already recognizes that he screwed up? He already knows he did wrong, and is trying to make up for that in his own way, even though he sucks at it.
I think it is exactly because he feels remorseful that he's making these efforts. Sure, maybe he's doing this for his own sake, but I get the impression that he really understands like he hurt her and wants to correct that. If Nicole is willing to take those reconciliation steps, no harm done. The issue isn't that she's averse to reconciliation, but she has gotten so convinced that Gaius wants to be with Caroline that she believes it wouldn't happen. She almost got proven wrong, but then Gaius got interfered with. That's okay, and it is funny, but I'm honestly kind of mixed on how I feel about glasses guy. Everything Nicole said was literally about the book she was reading but instead of confirming what the situation was (which he could have enlisted his fiance/wife to help with), he just immediately, without hesitation, assumed that she was getting abused. To be fair, public perception of Gaius is not very high because of the way he has been acting, so deserved. And good on the classmates for protecting her since they didn't know for sure. BUT, they're not acting like it's a possibility and just taking extra care of her for now, they're acting like it's a firmly established fact, which is totally different. I do concede that it is effective and reasonable from a story perspective, and it works for the comedy, but it rubs me the wrong way when the comments don't address that false accusations are being made. Honestly, if someone randomly came at me with an abuse or SA accusation (things that I would never, ever, ever, ever, even consider doing), I'd be a little upset too. Gaius isn't responding in the wisest way, but not sure how him being aggressive here is seen as POS behavior, especially when it's happening right after he realized his screw up (after his friends just called him out for being a POS) and is trying his best to start doing things right, ASAP.
I'm happy for Nicole that this whole situation is resulting in some new friendships for her. Again, I think if they don't end up together at the end, that would be a satisfactory ending. Nicole is thriving right now. But I don't think "ripping him to shreds", claiming that "he shows no signs of remorse or guilt", calling him a POS and leaving at that, or enabling any unforgiveness is a good response to this character (and honestly, I'm not a fan of how often comments "cancel" a character without fully trying to be understanding of them first, even if the character is absolutely wrong). Because ultimately, what Nicole is feeling is resignation. Yes, she would be more than fine without him, but I think she reacted this way precisely because she has/had feelings and hoped they would be reciprocated. Also considering the social context, she would be better off being married than not. I guess you could argue that she should just be with someone else, and if the story went that way, I would root for the new guy. But if Gaius is willing to change (which the author is clearly demonstrating he is), wisens up, gets his act together, and learns to be more honest, I think them being together would still work, and maybe even be sweet.
Anyway, this really long but my point is this: them going separate ways is fine. But if they do that, I think it should only be after the notion in Nicole's mind that she is not wanted is fully broken down. They both have their issues. Gaius is a big dummy. Nicole is fully convinced of a lie to such a degree that she's not able to see any other option that than what she established in her mind, even after being told, to her face, by the man in question that it wasn't true. When Caroline invited her for tea, she didn't even given Caroline moment to speak, just making her "I won't interfere" declarations and leaving (basically). Gaius's "sin" is worse because his behavior caused that, but I don't think it would be good for anyone if they break things off before everything is fully clarified. Thus, I am rooting for Gaius still because I want him to have the chance to, first off, clear his name of the abuse allegations, but also to make his feelings clear so that, if Nicole ultimately rejects him, it can be from a place of "I'm happier without you", rather than "You love Caroline so I'll get out of the way".
Maybe I'm out of place for thinking this way but these comments felt pretty one-sided so...yeah. Looking forward to the "[username] reacted to your post in the thread [chapter name] with 'Dumb'/'Strike'" alerts. Thanks y'all.