This chapter probably in Volume book. They definitely don't bother to check itWhoa, a x.5 chapter? Artlapsa deffo skipped this one.
I've read some of the later chapters that Art Lapsa translated (before they paywalled it that is). And let me tell you, he's trying his hardest to bring her back, but he's such an oblivious idiot that it often backfires.As amusing as this is, I'm really curious how we're going to get to the point of rooting for them as a couple. Keios' habit of stomping around and barking orders at her, his sheer indignation at seeing her going out and enjoying her life instead of pining away quietly somewhere and hanging on his every word, is really not endearing me to him at all. If it was just a matter of him being distant and misunderstood, that would be one thing, but he's actively repulsive when he does interact with her.
As amusing as this is, I'm really curious how we're going to get to the point of rooting for them as a couple.
I’m innope you dont.
the WN end with open ending. And the male lead still trying to chase her.
Ooh interesting spoiler here! 🤔nope you dont.
the WN end with open ending. And the male lead still trying to chase her.
Y'know, sometimes you get a spoiler that completely deflates a story and takes away from the experience of reading it, and sometimes you get a spoiler that adds helpful context and allows you enjoy a story for exactly what it's trying to be. Thank you very much for the latter!nope you dont.
the WN end with open ending. And the male lead still trying to chase her.
In the days before wait staff were paid as low income grunts (at least in the States where I am), upscale cafes and restaurants actually paid rather well, as they wanted to attract the sort of of help that their upscale clientele didn't mind handling their food. (Perhaps this is still the case in other countries. I suspect only the USA pays waitstaff less than ditch diggers.) So I would expect him to be able to afford middle class entertainments.Thanks For your works.
So the waiter is wealthy enough to buy ticket play, and is happy to share is thought with an other person.
So is objectively a better option for Nicole than Keios.
FemC: “Hey beloved Fiancé would you like to accompany me to the theatre to see a play? I apologize for being so bold but we haven’t interacted in several months.”Yeah, agonize, bitch.
Bro has been doing that stuff with his precious bestie this whole time, so turnabout is fair play even if she did go see a play with someone with a mutual interest. Especially since he'd have refused her at the start of this story if she asked him to go with her.
Thanks for that spoiler, I’m glad. He doesn’t deserve her. I hope a second male lead appears and woos her or this becomes lore at there school of how not to treat your fiancénope you dont.
the WN end with open ending. And the male lead still trying to chase her.