Does anyone know which episode is the anime version of this chapter?
Just watched it with my gf a few weeks ago. Episode 58.
I’ve gotta say, as someone that loves accents and dialects, including my own (I love a good thick Yinzer accent), I really could not tell the difference between his accent and Yamaoka’s…
Also, as far as the singing, I can’t say either of us particularly enjoyed it. To our ears (I guess noting that I’m an American and she’s an Australian, so maybe it’s a cultural thing) it sounded more like screaming. But again, maybe that’s just a cultural thing. Careful with your volume on that one, it is loud.
Sweet potatoes are delicious but can make people feel bloated and gassy. It is best to eat in moderation.
I usually go to town on them at Thanksgiving. I like sweet potato French fries every once in awhile as well. I’ve never had the issue of feeling bloated after eating them, but I might not really have them enough to notice.