There were a few (a lot) of moments that made me cringe with angst, and a lot of things I can sympathise with since I'm also a straight male, who identifies as male, who loves crossdressing. Despite this being a romcom, it was surprisingly real and touches on a lot of deep topics, and it does so better than most manga. The art style seems kinda lame at first, but it's goofy enough that it just goes well with the story, realistically showing us that MOST crossdressers don't look like perfect girls (especially when they don't bother to shave their legs. People really gotta start doing that). The main female character is problematically naive, which initially lends itself to comedic moments and struggles for the mc, but ultimately it lays the foundation for her own mental and emotional states that lead to the decisions she makes later on, for better and worse. MC is a narcissist and struggles with his gender identity and a lot of situations that push him to the limits, but throughout the story he matures and figures himself out. I'm a little disappointed that we fast-forwarded time a bit to get to the finale, but the ending itself was the best possible one.