Uh, wow. Do you think they ever get tired of writing shit like this, where the anti-hero/villain just wins all the time? Are we supposed to root for him to just be a total asshole? Also, that art style is pretty bad.
@Nogoodnms Umm, The number of morally upright douchebags and dumb as a rock anti-heroes is clearly staggering, but the black abyss of evil type MCs are few and far between.
cause the concept is boring, his motivation is weak , and he's not threatened by anything. It's everything wrong with bad, wish fufillment, fantasy with an even edgier paint job.
Meh. Maou is an edgelord faggot. Probably gets dominated in the end by a Konosuba Darkness type and gets pegged with a Tetsuo-type drilldo that eviscerates his anal cavity.
This manga is so good! I want a chapter where the demon king inserts a metal nail up princess's peehole and destroys her girl parts. Although I doubt this'd get updated... sigh