Omae Imouto ja Nakute Iinazuke datta no kayo!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Yeah ok this is bad. I actually have a soft spot tsunderes (even the ones @SmartBirb take issue with as long they don't go way too far) but this girl is too vanilla for my tastes. So far I feel like this story brings nothing remotely new to the table; we've seen this same setup a number of times at this point.

This manga plays to rigidly to all the inseki tropes. It has no real identity of its own.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
I don't really get the idea that the fact that their not blood related makes them no longer be siblings. when they were raised like siblings. honestly shouldn't matter, the MC was practically adopted by their family. by all accounts they are family where it matters at least. honestly just kind of sounds like this story is saying adoptive family members aren't real family member.
Awkward attempt at an opening about two horny teens who should see each other as siblings, starting to indulge in "What if I could bone my sib?" fantasies now that they know they technically aren't, and they actually could, legally. The manga poorly establishes that the sister has always had an unhealthy attachment to him (probably not discouraged by the parents because they knew) but she falls back on a weak 'Tsun personality trope to hide it (she said it out loud she want him to "notice" her, which is just not something you do as a well adjusted person in this situation.) The brother, to his credit, didn't automatically go "Oh crap, I'm living with a girl!" but now that he's touched boobs is probably starting to fantasize, which makes them both weirdos that would probably make a family therapist, or a JAV producer, mildly rich.

The concept isn't so horrible, it's just not well written. Granted, only the first 2 chapters, but they're not winning any awards.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
“As her brother I will relieve her pain” lol im guessing the author has no siblings cause who talks like that. Just change sister to my lady n you can see how even more awkward it sounds
I sure af would NEVER say some bs like that to any of my sisters lmao

Author needs to stop
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
"I love him so much. But i want him to confess to me because im embaressed. So im gonna make him fall in love with me by physically and mentally abusing him, because im Tsuntsundere(Bipolar) Te-hehe."
"Wait why doesnt he see me as a girl. Why does he talk to other girls even tho i keep hitting his arms and legs to show how much i love him(break his appendages) B-baaka onii-chan"
"Let me shit on his bed that will definitely show him my love, totally wont used against me in court Te-hehe"
"Oh N-yoo. How dense can he be. Cant he just read my mind and find out i love him even tho i keep screaming I HATE YOU"

No bud im not alright if this behavior is the norm in this society.
.....did you just reference Amber Heard? 💀💀
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2019
Lets see how long they gonna drag this shit.
Honestly i want MC to find some other love interest and FMC getting cucked.
Im tired of abusive mentally ill bitches like this being normalized.
Idk if its a zoomer thing "bullying the guy/girl i like". Its bull shit.
bullying the guy/girl you like is normal though but only when you're kids at most at the end of elementary school. at least for me i remember i always tease (bully) the girl i like in elementary school that make her hates me, still regret it until this day even though we are close at first.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 15, 2023
Came across this manga just now but like, what? Ok so she was being clingy sister to him up to grade 7, then she ignored him and kept her distance for about 2 years and then the story started. After that, she distances herself from MC even more and then gets pissed because MC is unaware of her, I'm sorry what?

Before anything, I should make it clear that I don't enjoy the Tsundere trope that much, but like, FMC, you literally have no right to be mad at MC, I can somewhat accept tsundere FMCs in other stories because they actually had tried things but MC didn't realize it. But you haven't even done anything and then you get angry at MC, bro wut?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 31, 2019
Ok, I must ask, does anyone here place the TV sofa like that IRL? That's just crazy, twisting your neck to watch TV would be so annoying. Something tells me the author is some kind of psycopath....

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