Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2019
@Eyaslunatic I liked the start a lot too. But back when I read the novel I remember it started to drop in quality at a certain point and it became much less enjoyable.
Mar 5, 2019
@Niralam I'm like 140 chapters in and it's still very good, some parts were a bit slow but necessary, if you are referring to even further on then I guess I can see power creep happening but I'd be surprised if it really dropped in quality too much overall.
Nov 22, 2019
@necromach of course, this is much better than solo leveling plot wise. The art is also top tier, and I think this will surpass solo leveling a few years later
Aug 28, 2020
he could care a little more about the girl and his party but well... i guess the author made him like someone who doesn't care about the world around him
Aug 28, 2020
well.. soo you saying he can make something like turn everything to normal, that would make sense to why he's like that... well i can only guess, but thanks for the spoiler, now i can enjoy without thinking he's a ass of a mc lol
Feb 14, 2019
That the reason why he is a different one. And just because he is not the naive one doesn't mean he is an ass. That the reason why the demograpich for this series is more loke for seinen, not shounen like Solo leveling.
Jun 24, 2020
I've been thinking, aren't we, the readers, are some kind of constellation beings, since we are also interested in the main character's action and decision in his journey. Putting the fact that the constellations in this manhwa are godly beings, we do live in a universe different from the characters. And the guys who paid to read early releases are the sponsors. Dayumn.

Just in case this has been said before, just ignore this.
Aug 28, 2020
I feel like this series has way more potential then solo leveling, and as speaking of how he plays the challenges it's quite great how he uses the knowledge he has instead of how some time travel/ reincarnation type that changes everything and become useless information
Jul 1, 2019
Overall, a very good post-apocalypse Manhua. The way our Mc acts can be, in some ways, very mysterious. These mysteries can be solved however through careful name comparison. For example,
when the parts for "Faith" are ordered it could be deduced that unlimited energy may allow for a sword called "Broken Faith" to be repaired
, putting these simple little mysteries in makes the MC seem more competent and forward planning. Thus making his whole "Avid reader/Loremaster" schtick work really well.

The people also react how anyone would be expected to when the apocalypse comes, by panicking and congregating around seemingly strong people in seemingly safe spaces, and said strong people also act with hubris and mania that comes with sudden idolisation.

The way the imps work as sort of micro-streamers is also rather humorous, when they react they react in a way that pushes for greater viewership, and don't mind getting bossed around if it gets them paid in the long run.
The way the imps act supremely confident whilst actually being very... dumb
, is also very funny, and gives the sense that they know about as much as we do about how the streaming platform works.

When the sponsors were introduced i had a slight worry that he'd get overwhelming OPness from Sun Wukong or some BS, the author showed great restraint; however, and made Dokja seem smarter and more knowledgable by having him make the decision not to pick a sponsor. The appearance of the sponsors' names every once in a while, Particularly "Secretive Plotter", Brings some much-needed levity and allows for the Mc's high amount of funds to seem sensible.

Lovely story, cannae weit ta sae more, murra.

Current Rating: 9/10

Art: S

Story: A**

Character Design (Skills, Balance): A**


Active member
Jul 31, 2018
very nice, will definitely be checking out the WN.

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