I like to think he knows all these red flags and has accepted them, and he's into it. Like, maybe MC's just as psycho but has accepted it by this point. Also, the dad looks like an older version of MC and the mom looks like an older version of FMC. I think this is glance to how these two will look in the future.
That better not be a School Days reference @eelzbean
@Tamerlane It is easy to forget that the MC has some pretty heavy feelings towards his girlfriend. It is very possible that you are right and that is a vision of their future.
Dad: “You get what I’m saying right”
Me: Not really. The arm thing is really confusing me. Is that meant as a threat?
Also I pity the little sister; this basically confirms that she’s the only sane one in her family. Well, I guess overprotective doting Dad is pretty normal too (like the annoying little sister who can’t be true to her emotions). At least more normal than the rest of the circus.
Miton: "You merely married into the heavy. I was born in it. I didn't know softness until I was already a woman, which I will be once me and my boyfriend get married, have sex, and have our four children."