Onii-chan Is Done For!

Mar 24, 2018
As is usual case with gender benders nowadays, over the top socially-conscious comment section is in it's own class of entertainment (i really, really cringed at the mention of "conversion therapy camps"). It's on the level of annoyance comparable to "how did those drugs in ReLIFE worked? Let's talk about that." Read the room.

Also, this:

I really would like to see at least one dramatic chapter

Then maybe, just maybe, you and your kind should try reading something else and then dumping your thoughts into some more appropriate threads, like for example those designated for 6304, 5123, 18164, 371 or even 5823 or 2154 (which ironically - surprise, surprise - are either completely or relatively empty ; maybe because starting and carrying discussion there would require some individual thinking, instead of parroting already beat-to-the-ground talking points). If you were really interested in LGBTQ(ASCII)+ issues, you would've already been there.

But of course you won't be doing that - it would be way more productive than trying to start dumpster fires all over the place.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
These discussions will happen everywhere gender is being bent in fiction. In fact, by being rude or attempting to strong-arm you've actually inspired me to dig in my heels. You ought to read the fable of the sun and the north wind some time, because it certainly applies here. If you were polite, I'd probably have conceded to your point about there being manga that deals with gender identity issues much more directly that deserve more discussion/attention and left it at that. You would've had the last word and it wouldn't have escalated. But as it stands, I feel driven to challenge your hostility and assertion that I don't belong here.

These discussions will always happen in fiction that deals with gender bending, because many of us are trans and the genre is relevant to us even just as wish fulfillment fantasy. We will have discussions here and in other places, including many you frequent. We're here, we'll always be here and you're just going to have to get used to us existing and having opinions. If that's a problem for you, that's on you mate. It isn't my problem.

Anyways, in regards to what I was posting here, the gender identity themes were kind of more on the side anyway. My thrust was more on talking about Mahiro's relationship with his sister and the state of his place in society. There's a lot to unpack there regarding the hikikomori/NEET phenomenon and the implications of a college-aged man being essentially taken care of by his own little sister. Even if you leave the gender identity themes totally alone, it's an interesting and relevant topic to this manga.
But I do think the gender bender element makes an already-interesting story concept even moreso. It would be nice to get one "serious" chapter at some point, though I absolutely agree that this isn't that kind of manga like those others. And I wouldn't want this manga to become serious/dramatic, we have stuff like Shishunki Bitter Change and other similar manga for that. It wouldn't tonally fit the story to suddenly become a drama. Every comedy manga I've ever read does have a serious chapter eventually and I'm hoping when/if this one does, it'll touch on the topic of identity. That's all I was getting at. Nothing more, nothing less.

(If anything, if you examine the context I was actually trying to challenge an opinion condemning this manga's plot because I love this manga. By your very own standards, it could be said I was actually trying to douse what you'd consider to be a "dumpster fire". I only brought up conversion therapy to let the other person know that I respect the gravity of the stuff they were talking about in an attempt to connect with them and show them that I understand even if I disagreed.)
Mar 24, 2018
by being rude or attempting to strong-arm you've actually inspired me to dig in my heels. [...] You would've had the last word and it wouldn't have escalated. But as it stands, I feel driven to challenge your hostility and assertion that I don't belong here.

You realize that lampshading one's immaturity does not justify it?

And since i was technically polite, yet in no way, shape or form courteous, there really wasn't any need on your part to write this long-winded explanation, other than to present yourself in a better light, or to maintain your mental self-image.

These discussions will always happen in fiction that deals with gender bending because many of us are trans

That is statistically untrue.

Also, kudos for trying to establish dubious credibility by bringing your "identity" into a conversation. Gotta get those brownie points any way you can, huh?

We will have discussions here and in other places, including many you frequent.

These discussions almost never happen when fiction in question has some degree of sophistication to it. "Bokura no hentai", which deals almost exclusively with that issue, has one comment to it. As well as many others, more relevant works, some of which i already pointed out.

And that was my entire point.

You people always try to weasel your way into relevance by starting "the talk" in reference to extremely light, or in worst case scenarios fetish fueled works, when targeted demographics doesn't give two shits about your "social issues".

We're here, we'll always be here and you're just going to have to get used to us existing and having opinions. If that's a problem for you, that's on you mate.

Nice! Now you're casually trying to paint me as a bigot, without any proof for that being the case in what i originally wrote. That's oh-so-typical, that i really can't get angry about it anymore. After you've seen it first five hundred times, it just doesn't have the same sting to it, you know?

...but it's still pathetic and weak.

Also, it vaguely sounds like a start of a pamphlet, which is in its own way amusing.

It isn't my problem.

It is precisely your problem, just by the sheer power of numbers. Not mine.

Anyways, in regards to what I was posting here, the gender identity themes were kind of more on the side anyway. My thrust was more on talking about Mahiro's relationship with his sister and the state of his place in society. There's a lot to unpack there regarding the hikikomori/NEET phenomenon and the implications of a college-aged man being essentially taken care of by his own little sister. Even if you leave the gender identity themes totally alone, it's an interesting and relevant topic to this manga.

You're still not making sense, which you yourself already admitted:

"There's a lot to unpack there " - obviously, but not here ; author himself doesn't have any intention of doing that. This particular title lacks finesse and depth in relation to topics that you're so intent on bringing up.

So once again, why not seek stimulation somewhere else, instead of missing the point? My guess is, because you don't want to. Your response to that was: "well, because i can and it's perfectly within my rights to do so".

And my reply to your response is: "duh doy". But in the end, that's not the answer to a question about reasons for doing something so counterproductive.

But I do think the gender bender element makes an already-interesting story concept even moreso.

It really doesn't, unless you still wanna yap about "sex expected traits and roles" (which would've been more appropriate to do in "Otomen" or "Boku to Kanojo no XXX", if only in comparison).

It would be nice to get one "serious" chapter at some point, though I absolutely agree that this isn't that kind of manga like those others. And I wouldn't want this manga to become serious/dramatic, [...] It wouldn't tonally fit the story to suddenly become a drama.

"I don't wanna, but i'm gonna". Yeesh.

we have stuff like Shishunki Bitter Change and other similar manga for that.

I think you either didn't read it, or once again are projecting stuff that you wanted in it into the story. I sense a pattern.

Every comedy manga I've ever read does have a serious chapter eventually and I'm hoping when/if this one does, it'll touch on the topic of identity.

Then read more, maybe? This isn't the rule, especially when it comes to web serialized / pixiv stuff.

if you examine the context I was actually trying to challenge an opinion condemning this manga's plot because I love this manga. By your very own standards, it could be said I was actually trying to douse what you'd consider to be a "dumpster fire".

That is not the conclusion that i came to, and while that fucking condescending attitude assuming that i didn't put any thought into what i was commenting on (combined with the initial "you really should read this and that") may be expected from your side of social spectrum, it's still annoying.

I only brought up conversion therapy to let the other person know that I respect the gravity of the stuff they were talking about in an attempt to connect with them and show them that I understand even if I disagreed.)

1) That does not make it any less cringe worthy.
2) Was there any point to that, apart from you feeling better about how good of a person you think you are? There is no merit in establishing emotional connection with the other party when you're discussing ideas. Whole point of a discussion is to stab each other's established notions, bleed them out as much as you can, and see if they still hold up after that.

edit: just to clarify, this isn't a discussion.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 20, 2018
Mhh? Dont rrly get why there is a Diskussion...there are 2 genders and you cant change the one you are Born with... someone may think they are something new and special but someone ppl also think they are a plane...simple mental disability

But hey its in this story so lets go with it IF like in this manga there is a drug which changes ones gender and it works like in this manga....then it would simply kill you...if your personality gets changed " which it will cuz you would Need to alter the dna for the genderchange " then the Person you were before would simply cease to exist or in other words die

Scary sister that...she basically kills her brother and Even if he seems to be a looser thats still not ok...
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@mikegnesium Why the hostility to bringing up and analysing this work and others in relation to social topics like gender identity? It seems no matter where you go on the internet to talk about it, it's NEVER "the right place", so if it isn't here, then where is? Even on manga that are absolutely about individuals that are trans and dealing with the same or similar issues the trans community tends to face (Sakura-chan to Amane-kun for example), it's never good enough to warrant this kind of discussion. I thought @MidnighTea 's points were valid and justified.

Nobody here is trying to be actively seen in a better light or have a better self-image, as you claim, just by stating that we're trans. That statement is more about the fact that, BECAUSE MidnighTea is trans, then there's better reasons to analyse works like this with context to trans experience. There's a lot of manga out there that have genderbend themes, but not a lot of those accurately depict any kind of figuring of trans identity and aspects of transness that do, in fact, happen (like being an egg). Boku Girl is one such example where the main character is obviously trans and clearly an egg to most trans readers, and there's a loooot in it that are extremely relatable (confusing liking a girl for wanting to be like a girl, for example, which happens a lot with trans women, but that's for another comment section).

The point I'm driving at is, when there's aspects of trans culture and identity in a genderbend manga that goes beyond the actual bending of said gender to imply or explicitly show the whole identity aspects, trans readers may be inclined to want to talk about that or comment on it, and that's okay. Nobody is trying to weasel their way into anything, it's literally just another aspect and point of view that you cis people would not have considered and it can be fun even to analyse things in such contexts when they exist, however light.

edit: Sure, this might not be the greatest manga to bring this up in, but it isn't a bad one to do so either.

edit2: Actually, I recognise you from that comment section too (Sakura-chan to Amane-kun). So if a work that takes this more seriously like that one isn't a good enough place to talk about this, and this isn't, then tell me, what is? Sure, you can mindlessly enjoy some genderbend manga without social commentary, but it isn't like the social commentary is harming anything. What's the issue here? Do you just not like to remember that trans people exist and have their own interpretations of content that might differ from yours? Because we absolutely belong here and we do very much enjoy talking about this kind of thing, esp with other trans readers.

If you don't like trans readers coming to a comment section on a work literally in the genderbend genre about their ow interpretations of characters who might or might not be trans, then maybe just ignore it? You do realise this genre is very popular with trans readers, right?
Mar 24, 2018

I'm not going to bother too much, since you apparently didn't bother either:

So if a work that takes this more seriously like that one isn't a good enough place to talk about this, and this isn't, then tell me, what is?

I think at this point i've mentioned like seven or eight titles.

also that:

it can be fun even to analyse things in such contexts when they exist, however light.

It never is. It always comes down to regurgitating the same tired talking points. If even i can make rough sketch of semantic tree depicting in what way the eventual "discussion" will unfold, or make an accurate guess about how people will try to tie their personal or academically imprinted issues to the work in question, it can't be fun.

and that:

You do realise this genre is very popular with trans readers, right?

You do realize, that most people with whom genre is popular are fetishists, right? Just going by the numbers, it has to be more than 90% of those who are reading it. The more simple and less nuanced the work is, the less potential reader will be inclined to care about your issues. Hence.


And while i feel somewhat bad for writing something like this to a person that puts their time and effort into translating stuff, i'm going to do it anyway, because that kind of bullshit almost always comes up when talking to "you" people:

Do you just not like to remember that trans people exist and have their own interpretations of content that might differ from yours? Because we absolutely belong here [...]

For that, i can only extend a genuine "fuck you" to you. As mentioned already, while that type of behavior came to be more or less expected in recent years, it's still pathetic and weak.

edit: edited emboldened quote to highlight what i was referring to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Anyway, Mike, I'm not going away and you're not making me go away no matter how loud you shout at me. I'm going to send a PM to a moderator to have them look at this thread. If they have to, I suppose they'll lock it. Which I suppose is the ultimate goal of bigotry -- silencing people, if not through intimidation/harassing then through gaslighting and making enough noise that someone has to pull the plug. Either way how you're behaving is not OK and I'm not engaging with you further until someone in authority here looks over this.

Oh, and on the off chance anyone says "don't feed the trolls" I'm going to just leave this URL here. It's a good read:

Mar 24, 2018
Almost everything is there: assumed victim mindset, equating disagreeing with one's behavior with harassment, casual unsubstantiated attacks ad personam, eternal straw man, and unavoidable deflection to authority. You're unable to answer, so you want this thread locked. How usual.

Which I suppose is the ultimate goal of bigotry

Still pathetic. You don't learn.
Jul 17, 2018
After reading through this discussion I am definitely more inclined to side with midnigh tea but nether of you are coming off spectacularly mike if you’re against discussions in the comments then what the hell do you think comment sections are for and if you don’t like what people are talking about then just don’t read it ! It’s as simple as that tea you should probably try to come off less pretentious it’s helps a lot
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Kinda annoyed with this guy because they did the exact same thing in Amane-kun and Sakura-chan complaining about transgender discussion in a manga thread where, surprise, people viewed the characters as transgender. Heaven forbid people actually relate to characters.
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
Yeah, this guy is rly annoying and Sakura-chan to Amane-kun is a literal actual case where at least one character is canonically stated as trans, and he still felt the need to try and shut down all discussion by trans users about relating to those characters. And the gaslighting and topic policing here too just confirms he's just some salty transphobe.

Like, if he doesn't like when trans people relate to characters or when we analyse or give our own theories about those characters, he could just ignore it. But he doesn't, he tries to just shut that down entirely and tell us the "proper" venues to post this, as if the manga's thread itself is only reserved for all discussion that excludes transgender viewpoints. Because this is a no fun allowed zone apparently.

We were trying to until that guy came in to start arguing about something that doesn't affect him in any way.
Apr 19, 2018
I think the author of this manga just thinks an older brother turning into a younger sister would be funny. I doubt that transgender issues were considered at all when writing it. For reference, this author did a Your Name doujinshi where it was just laughing at the scenario of being in a different gendered body.
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@Amarillo Probably, and tbh I think that same thing too. But I still think it's fine to relate or comment about this kind of thing, it doesn't really hurt anyone. Plus, it's always possible (though not at all likely imo) that it is actually the case that the MC is trans and the plot is just a slow burn to get to that reveal, like how
Boku Girl was.
Mar 24, 2018
You people are so full of shit.

1) Works directly tied to the topic (+ ammount of gender related posts):

6304 (empty)
18164 (empty)
371 (empty)
23612 (empty)
6497 (empty)
5123 (empty)

2) Less tied, but still can be considered relevant:

18 (empty)
7586 (empty)
11582 (empty)
2154 (empty)

Compare with:

3) "Let's project stuff ; manga has to be popular and simple - little to no drama or sophistication!":

22615 (check)
24702 (check)
25476 (check)
21109 (check)
10848 (mentioned)
10643 (mentioned)

...and while we're at it, blaming Mashiro overall ineptitude and social anxiety on "societal-familial assignment of the role he wasn't suited for", or underlying conviction that "identity" is malleable, or consciously chosen by a person in response to external circumstances (do i have to point out the hypocrisy?), and then going on with those as legitimate points of conversation was kinda amazing. Not in a good way.

Not to mention that our protagonist not even once questioned who he is.


"Kinda annoyed with this guy"

"Matt. Damon. Matt Damon, Matt Damon. Matt Damon."

"transgender discussion in a manga thread where, surprise, people viewed the characters as transgender"

Oh, people are just having a field day with labelling, without care for accuracy to their predictions. And when proven wrong, they mysteriously tend to shut up. Or delete their comments.

"Yuki's trans!"
"Do i have to be the one to point out that Sakura's an *egg* peons?"
"Mashiro's CLEARLY comfortable with trying *on* new identity"

But this isn't a "discussion", it's pure bullshiting, or to some, something of a fashion statement. Discussion needs to be cognitively anchored to work in question, and all i saw was free form improvisation based on what isn't there (except for obvious realisation that sudden gender swap can't be considered anything else than body horror). At the same time, titles that do posess some relevance, or apply some thougt to examining gender related *issues* are ignored - with few exceptions, not many people are following them, even less have read them, and nobody's leaving comments in their threads. Probably a coincidence though, right? Not an unconscious urge for preaching to the largest possible crowd, even when said crowd isn't that interested.


he still felt the need to try and shut down all discussion by trans users about relating to those characters.
he's just some salty transphobe
he tries to just shut that down entirely

Well, fuck you Hexxy. You're getting hormonal, but please, do go on with your persecution complex.

...oh, and it wasn't me that wants this thread locked. No fun allowed zone indeed.
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@mikegnesium Listen I'm getting tired of you telling us where we can and can not comment about this type of thing. I don't give a toss if it's a work directly tied to this topic or not, just let it go already. It's not like anyone is commenting about this stuff on a thread for like, Citrus or something. Yes, I read your post; no, I don't care about 100% of the content within it. The only reason this comment thread on this topic is being dragged out the way it is is because you're making it. If you had just ignored it, it might have just been an occasional comment. But no, not only do you continue to come back to argue for no reason even after literally every single other person here is telling you to stop, but you did this before too, and probably will continue to again in the future. Who are you to decide what is and isn't a proper place to talk about trans stuff? If you don't like it, don't reply. Just ignore it.

And how can you say Sakura-chan to Amane-kun isn't directly tied to this topic? It's literally a manga about two trans kids coming to terms with their identity. Does every manga have to be, like, Wandering Son or something to qualify? Just, please, stop it. You're like the crazy person in the middle of a town square yelling at passerbys about doomsday and wearing a tinfoil hat. You're embarrassing yourself.

I'm going to stop going on about this because this has nothing to do with this manga anymore and let someone else take care of this. This is literally not at all worthwhile.
Mar 24, 2018
"It's literally a manga about two trans kids coming to terms with their identity"

Nope. Projecting again. All i counted was one kid and almost zero characterization.

"Just ignore it."

Please do. Why respond?

"You're like the crazy person in the middle of a town square yelling at passerbys about doomsday and wearing a tinfoil hat. You're embarrassing yourself."

Well, i don't want to be mean about being crazy or delusional, so i'll just keep quiet.

...but yeah, i see the pointlessness. Go back to circle jerking each other.
Jul 17, 2018
Mike you’re clearly misunderstood me I was saying tea was being pretentious not you also thanks for calling me chic it’s a great compliment if you check the dictionary

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