online dating

Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
@Alraisen lol I had completely forgotten about this post and rereading it I was like, damn, a shitposter like me can get philosophical at times too huh?

True, everyones got baggage and anonymity makes it easier to share (I myself have shared more about myself on this site than I ever would IRL lol), but I think theres a disconnect in what people view as "anonymity" when it comes to online interactions. Here, where I'm behind a screen name and I have no intentions of ever revealing myself to any of you is a bit different from using your real name with the intention to meet up IRL, you know? I think the fatal flaw that a lot of people with baggage have in online dating is revealing that baggage before revealing enough (or any) of their good points too. It's a turn off, even if we know deep down that everyone has good and bad to them.

And yes, I also agree that having the ability to have access to the entire world of people rather than just your community is a good thing as well, however I also feel theres a certain degree of uselessness to it. I know I for one, have had a very important person in my life who lived in France (me being in the US). We desperately wanted to be together, but it became increasingly more apparent that the both of us were simply too poor to ever have anything come of this relationship. Neither of us would ever be able to afford the travel necessary to even spend a week together, let alone move to one another. We both lived paycheck to paycheck and in debt. Yes, we have the ability to now meet and fall in love with anyone from across the globe, but the logistics of being together in the end usually boils down to money (as does most shit in life unfortunately.) Long distance dating is usually a rich mans game. Not to say it's impossible, as many have obviously made the leap in the past, but not everyone will win out if they are poor. And this situation isn't just in international relationships, even living across the country, or even in just a few towns over can be problematic if you're already struggling to get by or are otherwise immobile.
The internet is a great tool for friendship, I agree. Its neat you can have friends all over the globe, but when it comes to the intimacy of dating, depending on who you are as a person and what you require in a romantic relationship, it can become just a tool of frustration and futility.

Anyway thats my ramblings on that lol. At the end of the day, its really just all about who you are and what works for you. As a person who requires a good deal of physical contact and intimacy in my relationships, online dating never really appealed to or worked for me. But it certainly does work for a lot of people and I firmly believe is worth a shot. There is really no harm at all in giving it a try, never know if it'll work for you until you give it a go.
Though what I'd be really interested in is seeing the data that will come in the next few generations about the longevity and overall happiness of relationships formed from online connections. It's still too relatively new of a concept to have a lot of that data, but it will be coming very soon and I do find it interesting to know how these types of relationships differ and compare. But that is obviously another conversation for another year lol.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Fair point. People who are using online dating sites are, of course, using them because they all share the desire to meet a romantic partner online, or are at the very least open to the option of it. However, hiding the negative aspects of oneself on dating sites is, I would say, more common than the opposite. And it makes sense that it would be, as people attempt to create an ideal image of themselves, pics and names attached, that they find would garner the most positive feedback. I guess a middle ground would be preferable, where someone isn't bragging about his or her lifestyle/achievements/etc., but instead just being humble and honest, and opening up about more serious topics later in a relationship. I'd say that a desire to not let your own negative attributes hurt or burden someone else is a trait that most mentally mature people can pick up on and appreciate. And in turn, since these people are mature, they are willing to take that step (not forcefully though lol) into someone else's life, asking about and listening to experiences of hardship, trauma, etc.

Concerning your experience with your friend, I'm sure that must have felt disheartening, and possibly sobering as well in regards to money. That's a shame, and I honestly don't mean that as just a platitude. I acknowledge your stance on money as well. "Money can't buy happiness" is a saying that everyone's heard, and I agree with the true meaning behind it. However, money can most definitely enable happiness. A lot of people who use the proverb, "money can't buy happiness" don't understand what it's like to not have the money one may need to enable his or her own happiness, and how dejected such a situation can make someone feel. I, and many others, would like a world with a global standard of living as high as, say, the middle class in America. But unfortunately, a world like that is only possible in the far future, and it's quite possible that a world like that will never be realized at all.

I can for sure relate to the physical contact thing lol, but in my experience, I've found that regular positive and healthy interactions are a major requirement of relationships, more so than regular physical intimacy (although the latter is great too). The data you spoke of would interest me a lot as well. Personally, I think that when humans have so many options, they are more inclined to feel as if they made the wrong choice, or that their was a better option they could have chosen. While being able to search through a wider range of potential partners may lead to finding the one most suited to oneself, it may also result in people thinking "what if" more often, and looking for "better" partners instead of being content with their current relationship, regardless of whether or not that relationship is healthy (although if at least one person is looking for better options, I guess a relationship can't really be called "healthy" lol).

Damn, I just realized how much I wrote lol, gomenasai for wall of text. (And disclaimer, I'm no expert on anything, nor am I exceedingly wise, being in my early twenties with relatively little life experience compared to those older than me lmao).
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Dec 31, 2019
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Spambots preying on lonely otaku is incredibly low.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
we're at point where we can distinguish bot by it's necromancy spell.
that, or maybe he's just curious with the effectiveness of previous Russian dating bot's link.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
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For example: Ride on King
Feb 20, 2021
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Btw, I've read some stuff about sexual frustration on and now I can't believe that you can be sexually frustrated to the point you even don't realize that and consider your unsatisfied needs as a normal thing...

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