Only I Know the World Is Ending And Getting Killed by Rampaging Beasts Only Makes Me Stronger - Ch. 52

Jan 23, 2018
Fused the pictures


Jun 23, 2024
I think yall are too exhausted from this story. I chose to take it as: the mc weakened the boss, cutting it in half is no small feat and requires a lot of energy to come back from. It's not that the MC is weaker than the crafter, it's that fighting a raid-boss alone is crazy.
The crafter came up with a giant golem and smacked the boss away, she didn't one-shot it. They're going to defeat it together.

The whole point of this arc is to show that they cannot win alone, no matter how much of a singularity any one of them is...So I don't really get the complaints about the power levels.
Thanks for this comment. People are so used with the OP mc trope wherein the other casts just become baggage in comparison to him. But this manga shows even the lowest level mob character is doing their best to help the MC and his gang to fight off the raid boss. People who dont play MMORPG dont know that a raid-boss isnt something to be soloed. I like the humanity aspect in this manga wherein it portrays that no man is truly an island and that in order for humanity to prevail, they need each other.

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