What are you actually responding to here? You wrote a lot of stuff that has no relevance to what I said, or things I've already explained, so there's really nothing for me to respond to here.
I refuted what you "explained" with a explanation why the skills/senses are viewed as they are and what it would need to change that very perception. Which is completely related and relevant to this whole discussion.
By this point you dont even bring arguments anymore besides your own: "People are not like that in my eyes."
Which is 100% subjective, without even one argument or example like I did. Which leads me to the conclusion that you either to thickheaded to adjust, are too intitled or just a plain troll. that is the very vibe you give off from your replies. Even ignoring points and claiming I refute everything from you 100%, even though I do give you at least a point and Parts where you do have one.
But again it seems the whole thing is pointless with all people that are part of one of the 3 above groups. So we will stop the discussion here, because that would be utterly pointless anyway.