shouldnt we acknowledge that this whole raid was kinda bullshitting for the MC ... Several all nighters full of creating potions (most likely several hundred or even a few thousand potions) and stones (several hundred stones ... i am scared to do the math here) for many players ... cooking for everyone and their pets on the side and then nearly dying in such a plan, where he was the onlyone, that had the risk and his skill-gems got used up (not cheap in making in terms of money and workload)
that all to the point of breaking down because of exhaustion (in a game), having most likely resulting in a heavy loss for him (money and ingredients .. looking at the amount he most likely is still heavy in the red)
besides the fact that the tiniest failure would have resulted in him beeing out of this event and maybe losing even more because of it
maybe in terms of story-telling not that bad, but from the normal point of the player an uneeded situation and loss .... it wasnt even high risk high reward
or I am the only one thinking like that?