Ookami no Musume - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Wow, the depth brought to life here is really impressive. Kirito's trying so hard to be a good host without actually understanding why--or even that wolves and humans have completely different social rules.

The spirited away aspect of his existence is an intriguing angle that I can't wait to delve into. :thumbsup:
Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2018
aw he's just a kid with barely any human social skills... I bet his grandpa told him to find a mate before he passed because he was worried about Kirito living alone

edit: doesnt excuse the whole kidnapping and not listening to reason though, I hope he learns by interacting with humans and society more.
Last edited:
May 7, 2020
I am team Hayate so far. But I wish to see more of Kirito, his past and why he's a lone wolf. He's kind of acting like a child...or teenager I guess because he didnt interact much with humans aside from his grandpa.

I do wish Kirito became a good friend/ally for Tsukina & Hayate's later on rather than being Tsukina's partner.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 16, 2023
This is what I meant in a post on a previous chapter - Kirito doesn't understand how human society works. He might understand specific rules or customs, like with driving, but he doesn't understand the reasons behind them. This is why I think that, if they said they had to keep their status as mates hidden from people due to human laws, I think Kirito would have accepted it.

From his perspective, he's not threatening Tsukina. The werewolf he courted seemed to respond positively to him. She agreed to go with him, so he took her. When he said the mountains are dangerous, he said it very matter-of-factly, not as a threat. His grandpa never really established clear boundaries between what was acceptable as a wolf vs. a human, so they get muddled together and he acts more like a child or teen.

I'm not saying his behavior is acceptable, but he isn't coming from a place of malice. I do hope things can be cleared up with him - maybe even establish him as part of the pack.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 28, 2023
I find Kirito at the core... trying to do right with what he knows. Which arguably isn't a lot considering he lived away from society. Growing up basically isolated also means he's never really been socialized (interacting with someone other than grandpa like once a month doesn't really socialize anyone) and I feel like, all things considered, he's doing pretty damn good. As a character, I think he's written realistically and is pretty consistent (his actions don't exactly surprise me).

His persistence with Tsukina is something I'd actually expect from someone more in tune with "their animal side". Because most animal species, stereotypically, are basically males consistently perusing the female until he basically wears her down or she becomes impressed by him. (And if I recall correctly, its mostly because Tsukina is a grey wolf, that he/his instincts are drawn to her).

I understand that Tsukina is a teenager going through stuff... but I find her actions harder to sympathize with in comparison to Kirito. She's essentially giving him mixed signals and for the most part just brushing off things that she should be communicating if she wants him to back off. There are moments where I feel like Kirito's EQ is higher than Tsukina's...despite how little he knows about human social norms.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 25, 2018
Absolutely hate the messaging of this chapter. While I can buy that the kid just doesn't know any better since he has no social skills built up, the problem is how the mangaka is playing it out with her initially resisting him, but then getting 'won over' by some tasty food. It has this Stockholm syndrome 'he beats me, but also buys me chocolate afterwards so he has a sweet side and it's ok' feel to it.

Like what sort of message is the mangaka communicating here? That it's all ok to kidnap and effectively sexually assault people (the licking her face and sleeping in the same bed metaphors) as long as you're kawaii? Just provide heat and food and you can totally do whatever the fuck you want with another person, it's fiiiine.

You can totally argue that she doesn't know any better either so her reaction 'makes sense' but then the only way this can go morally right is if she later feels deeply repulsed and traumatized by what she went through here and grows to hate him. Let's be honest with ourselves - that is not what this mangaka is going for. They're trying to paint this as cute and to make her actually develop feelings. Chapters like this really highlight for me how fucked up some of these manga artists are.

This manga is honestly extremely disturbing as a whole once you read into it just slightly under the surface. These male-female dynamics reek of abusing power imbalances.
Active member
Feb 22, 2024
i'm kinda surprised no one's mentioned that kirito seemingly put tsukina to sleep somehow to transport her in his truck and then used his fog magic(?) to prevent her from running away after she woke up. also his non-committal answer to tsukina telling him she won't be his mate just feels gross after strong-arming her into coming with him to begin with. did i love kirito before this chapter? not really. is there a chance my dislike for him creates a bias while reading this chapter? sure, but even if i did like some of the things he did this chapter are hard to forgive.

i also have issues with tsukina in this chapter, just not to the degree i have with kirito. she went from trying to run away, calling kirito selfish and saying firmly "i have no intention of being your mate," and "i don't eat food from kidnappers," to laughing with him, complimenting his cooking, and cuddling him while sleeping?? and sure she bonked with a plate when he licked her face but SHE STILL SLEPT IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM AFTERWARDS??? and don't even get me started on the end of the chapter with her burying her face into his fur after legit praying to sleep kirito wouldn't do anything to her. it feels like tsukina can't decide whether or not she wants to be there or not. at this point it feels like tsukina refuses to keep boundaries or have conversations with people.

the "two dudes fight over the special girl" trope definitely isn't my favorite. i think i'd prefer to just see tsukina figuring out her heritage like with hayate dad's books and maybe finally confronting her mom and actually talking to her for once.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Oh earlbay... you sure know how to drop some translation notes on us, don't you?

I agree that Kirito is absolutely in the wrong here. He has now kidnapped Tsukina and ensured she can't escape with magic. Bad dog.

I stand by what I thought last chapter- Tsukina keeps running away. She avoids the initial wolf conflict by agreeing to go with Kirito. Then she tries to stand against him and avoids conflict again by giving in so easily. I hope in the next chapter she can choose to run away or get the heck away from Kirito. This isn't good for her.

at this point it feels like tsukina refuses to keep boundaries or have conversations with people.
I super agree. She's really struggling with this. It's hard to read if you're someone who can draw those lines and talk it out, but those are skills you have to learn. Tsukina hasn't learned them yet.

Because most animal species, stereotypically, are basically males consistently perusing the female until he basically wears her down or she becomes impressed by him.
Yeah. Given this mangaka's other works being very well-researched, I wonder if she considered this as part of her characterization of Kirito. He acts so much on instinct, and now with his magic, he clearly isn't the best at human norms (the only norms Tsukina has known for her life.)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 16, 2023
Absolutely hate the messaging of this chapter. While I can buy that the kid just doesn't know any better since he has no social skills built up, the problem is how the mangaka is playing it out with her initially resisting him, but then getting 'won over' by some tasty food. It has this Stockholm syndrome 'he beats me, but also buys me chocolate afterwards so he has a sweet side and it's ok' feel to it.

Like what sort of message is the mangaka communicating here? That it's all ok to kidnap and effectively sexually assault people (the licking her face and sleeping in the same bed metaphors) as long as you're kawaii? Just provide heat and food and you can totally do whatever the fuck you want with another person, it's fiiiine.

You can totally argue that she doesn't know any better either so her reaction 'makes sense' but then the only way this can go morally right is if she later feels deeply repulsed and traumatized by what she went through here and grows to hate him. Let's be honest with ourselves - that is not what this mangaka is going for. They're trying to paint this as cute and to make her actually develop feelings. Chapters like this really highlight for me how fucked up some of these manga artists are.

This manga is honestly extremely disturbing as a whole once you read into it just slightly under the surface. These male-female dynamics reek of abusing power imbalances.
i'm kinda surprised no one's mentioned that kirito seemingly put tsukina to sleep somehow to transport her in his truck and then used his fog magic(?) to prevent her from running away after she woke up. also his non-committal answer to tsukina telling him she won't be his mate just feels gross after strong-arming her into coming with him to begin with. did i love kirito before this chapter? not really. is there a chance my dislike for him creates a bias while reading this chapter? sure, but even if i did like some of the things he did this chapter are hard to forgive.

i also have issues with tsukina in this chapter, just not to the degree i have with kirito. she went from trying to run away, calling kirito selfish and saying firmly "i have no intention of being your mate," and "i don't eat food from kidnappers," to laughing with him, complimenting his cooking, and cuddling him while sleeping?? and sure she bonked with a plate when he licked her face but SHE STILL SLEPT IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM AFTERWARDS??? and don't even get me started on the end of the chapter with her burying her face into his fur after legit praying to sleep kirito wouldn't do anything to her. it feels like tsukina can't decide whether or not she wants to be there or not. at this point it feels like tsukina refuses to keep boundaries or have conversations with people.

the "two dudes fight over the special girl" trope definitely isn't my favorite. i think i'd prefer to just see tsukina figuring out her heritage like with hayate dad's books and maybe finally confronting her mom and actually talking to her for once.
Thanks for pointing these things out for me. I take a lot at face value and I don't have a lot of experience with this type of trope despite it's prevalence. (I'm also really bad at analyzing other people's characters, I just roll with it. XD)

It would be nice if Tsukina had remained wary, even if she ate the food and slept in the bedroom. Perhaps going as far to sleep in wolf form because she'd be stronger that way(probably wouldn't have cuddled up to Kirito either).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Absolutely hate the messaging of this chapter. While I can buy that the kid just doesn't know any better since he has no social skills built up, the problem is how the mangaka is playing it out with her initially resisting him, but then getting 'won over' by some tasty food. It has this Stockholm syndrome 'he beats me, but also buys me chocolate afterwards so he has a sweet side and it's ok' feel to it.

Like what sort of message is the mangaka communicating here? That it's all ok to kidnap and effectively sexually assault people (the licking her face and sleeping in the same bed metaphors) as long as you're kawaii? Just provide heat and food and you can totally do whatever the fuck you want with another person, it's fiiiine.

You can totally argue that she doesn't know any better either so her reaction 'makes sense' but then the only way this can go morally right is if she later feels deeply repulsed and traumatized by what she went through here and grows to hate him. Let's be honest with ourselves - that is not what this mangaka is going for. They're trying to paint this as cute and to make her actually develop feelings. Chapters like this really highlight for me how fucked up some of these manga artists are.

This manga is honestly extremely disturbing as a whole once you read into it just slightly under the surface. These male-female dynamics reek of abusing power imbalances.
I feel basically the same way. I don't care if he's technically a "wild animal". He's going to get the Ol' Yeller treatment if he continues down this route, in wolf OR human form

It looks my fears from the previous chapters are coming to fruition where it looks like he is only after her to mount her like a fucking animal and nothing else.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 16, 2023
Yeah. Given this mangaka's other works being very well-researched, I wonder if she considered this as part of her characterization of Kirito. He acts so much on instinct, and now with his magic, he clearly isn't the best at human norms (the only norms Tsukina has known for her life.)
Despite that, every chapter makes me go "Why no tail/ear communication? Why are there no confidently raised tails or raised hackles during the confrontation? Where's the body language???"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2023
Gross, kidnapping and pressuring someone like that with the threat of death. This is pretty irredeemable.
He never threatened her with death. "...you'll get lost and die," meaning that she'd probably be stranded in the woods and die from having no survival skills or no one being able to find her.

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