@Plantslord mc already agreed that they will get wed but girl is still underage...they have to wait for a year and live-in...mc is the home room teacher of girl...mc is quite on the edge cause if they got found out he will be fired from work and get arrested cause she is his student and a minor...he got mad cause they almost got busted so girl do the maid cosplay and apoligized...thats the summary of the things that happen
@HotChocolatte Page 19 the word "worrying" is misspelled. I mean I understand that he's mad about the situation but at the same time she's only 15. Yes I know it's a work of fiction & logic doesn't really work that way 100% in the manga-verse. I wonder where Shiraishi is even staying at because I get the feeling that she may move in as well but it's early to determine. Thanks for the chapter.
What a chad MC, doesn't get caught up in the moment and keeps what's important on his mind before anything else. Sure he malds a bit, but these girls are acting awfully outta place. I respect that!
@Pandawanka anger issues? Bruh.
She is underage, she is his student. They were in public...at school.
He can not only get fired, can also go to jail ...not can, he will if someone ever finds out and let's not talk about the social repercussions he would suffer if he ever gets out of jail, he would never be hired again, ever (in a proper and legal job)
This is not a H doujinshi.
@Rabby the group isn't doing that on purpose the magazine just put that there no matter what with policies and shit, plus there are no uncensored shit online
A protagonist? Being the appropriate levels of angry and not brushing it off? In my mangos? Impossible! All jokes aside yeah he kinda went overboard but irl anyone would be that furious. His life can be ruined in a split second if someone finds out. I mean we all know they didn't actually sleep together but he thinks he did and that itself is a liability.