Yanno what I hated in 5th grade? Stupid idiots in Jr High saying shit like:
Ha ha hee ho hoo!
Hi hi hoo hoo ha!
Oooo! I'm CrAzy! Look how crazy I am! I'm in 7th grade, but I'm craaaAAAaaazy! Oooo! You should be soon scaaaared! Cos I'm craaaazy!
Hi Hi hoo hoo hee ha!
I hated it in 6th grade, too.
And in 7th and 8th grade.
And in 9th.
And my Sophomore year, as well as Jr and Sr years.
Didnt think much of it before the year 2000, and thought it was pathetic and infuriatingly fucking dumb after the year 2000
In fact, ever since the very first fucking time I had the misfortune to have to be exposes to that kind of shit, I despised it.
so, in my mind, the MC has Literally every reason in the world to use as much force as possible on this piece of shit.
I am sad that Onizuka didn't get tortured, though; he really should have been tortured.
Well; we can just torture this idiotic piece of shit until he stops pretending to be cool.