Until I Become Me - Vol. 4 Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Sep 28, 2018
Real MVP right here. This is such a fantastic New Years gift. Thank you so much for this bulk translation!
Dec 29, 2020
@urugiru Hey dude, I'm sorry. I didnt upload it here, but I reposted a link to a mediafire compilation of smiley's translations on 4chan earlier this week. I also suggested later in the thread that it would be cool if it was uploaded to mangadex to have everything in one place. That's probably why you figure it came from there. I'm kinda out of the loop on shit regarding translation groups, deals between people, or anything. I just knew it was chapter 10 here and chapter 44 there. I didnt do it myself though as another anon informed me of your deal and I hadn't asked smiley for permission. I didnt know someone would do it anyways. I'm sorry for influencing them. Please dont give up on it though, the better translation is worth it. I figured it was abandoned when I suggested the dex upload on 4chan. I just really like this manga, I made this account to follow your uploads for it. Please please please forgive me. I dont know the motives for the uploader, but please just translate anyways. I plan on rereading every chapter with the better translation.
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2020
@Alphawolf0 Hey no prob. I was that other anon you were talking to on 4chan. I might have phrased it a bit like I was an impartial third party to anonymize myself, but yeah that was me. You're forgiven, I know it wasn't you because you implied you wouldn't in your reply.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2020
There is some drama about who, where and how it ended up here.
And here I am just glad what I finally got an update, A HUGE ONE.

BTW not everyone uses Facebook (and it actively makes it impossible to use it for non-registered users).

And thanks for the translation.
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2020
@mangadexamc No you don't need to log into facebook unless you plan to comment. And if your issue is with facebook, anyone could ask Smiley to post another place, the only limitation was just supposed to be mangadex. Plenty of other comic viewing sites out there you could ask him to post at.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
Read through this but for the other group (names always escape me), I'll still be more than willing to read it again. I've reread this story a few times in the past, mostly because it's both interesting and a proper take on gender switching. So you can add another to the audience still willing to read yours.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Idk why you think you get to monopolize MD lol, and send your shitty bullying messages to anyone else who dares upload in a faster pace than you lol Smiley guy should have never been forced off MD bc yall are too petty to just upload your own versions if you think they're so much better.
Apr 15, 2020
I remember being in the first 5 people who read Smiley's work, He always put love in what he did and didn't care if there was 5 people reading him, he translated for those 5 people continuedly for almost 2 months before audience from other platforms found their way to his page

I don't know if it's my place to say this but there's plenty of people who want to read your translation, stay at home scans
even if the majority of the original audience won't re-read them, part of them who love your work will, shouldn't that be enough?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
What a pleasant surprise to open 2021 with. Thanks for the huge translation bomb! Fantastic read!
Dec 29, 2020
@gomichandesu how is it bullying if they made a deal? And his translations are better, are you blind? I think a fan circumventing the agreement without permission was the true shitty thing to do. Higher quality obviously takes more time, and the people willing to take that time need to be encouraged rather than heckled and disrespected.
Aggregator gang
Sep 22, 2018
glad we are up to speed, this was taking awhile to be translated, thanks for the chapters.

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