Glasses, hairstyle change, vocal shift, deliberate use of makeup to deemphasize her natural beauty, a different family name... she's been putting on one heck of a show to disguise herself.
Glasses yes. Which must be deliberate as the act of putting on glasses or contacts become pretty habitual so swapping to the other needs conscious thought.
Hairstyle change yes. Also no. Hairstyle is completely a conscious choice, and yet the little bit of no is that it is not uncommon to do up your hair for different occasions. Plus, though it doesnt seem to be in this case, theres sometimes hair requirements in the workplace, commonly in the food industry for sanitary reasons.
Vocal shift...was there? I don't recall it being said she changed her voice, but I could be wrong.
Makeup yes? I thought it was the other way around where she has more makeup and doing her hair and such for school but not at work.
Family name yes. This is more of a supporting thing to the others though, and wouldnt stand much on its own.
I agree that it isn't just an offhand, nearly inadvertent change like my earlier post may suggest, but I stand by saying that it's not particularly out the way for her. Wearing glasses instead is minimal effort to put on compared to contacts, assuming you are used to wearing contacts daily anyways. In fact its less effort. Hairstyle can take more effort, but not in this case as her school one looks more time consuming. Voice is easy to change as long as you remember and you didnt use something absurd for the fake voice. The other makeup as well, I assumed shes dressing up for school, not dressing down for some reason when going to work. Name is just remembering not to be caught in a lie.