Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Ch. 101 - It's All My Fault

Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2020
God, I hate him. This dumb gorilla only knows violence and nothing else. He's a goddamn creep too. Raising his sister's child as his own? What the fuck was that supposed to mean? He's really going to claim that the child is his? His obvious incestuous obsession is fucking disgusting. His delusions had already gotten to the point where he imagined him and Chris having a daughter together. Just what the fuck man. Fucking teach him some humility and manners. And now the author seems to be going for the usual "forgive and forget" because ooga booga japanese hospitality. His self-righteousness of "protecting his sister" is getting out of hand. She isn't your fucking toy, she has her own life. Maybe the reason why she wasn't that great of a warrior compared to others back in her world is because Mr. Siscon Gorilla Hero here sheltered her too much, not letting her have a life.

And regarding the MC, Jesus Christ you fucking pussy. Humility is fine, but too much is too much. Grow a fucking pair and confront the gorilla. Showing subservience to the self-righteous ape is just adding fuel to the fire, stroking his ego that thinks he can do whatever he wants cuz he's strong. You're going to be a father, learn how to be a man ffs. You have no fault in the matter, it's the glorified gorilla's fault for responding with violence to someone who's very defenseless and weak. How'd you even impregnate Chris if your balls are fucking nonexistent?
Him assuming the child would be a daughter has the disturbing implications that he planned to groom her as a replacement for Christina.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2023
my night has been wholesome thus far. this gorilla better fuck off in the next chapter. cunt wasn't there when his sister was alone in a foreign world where everything could be a potential danger. And now this shit where he physically assaults the MC and even offers to raise his child? bruh thats dumb as fuck. Telling you bro this guy better fuck off right now
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I don't get why everyone in calling MC a coward. Maybe an excessive, harmony-loving f**kup, but trying to talk things out with a magically powered tank of a gorilla, who already beat the shitz out of him is rather ...stupid, but also brave. Though I wouldn't bow down into dirt to a person, who obiously has no respect for me.
If i'd be a japanese person AND would be into traditions AND would ask my hopefully soon to be father-in-law (or mother-in-law) for their daughters hand AND I would know, they are into that kind of thing AND I would know, they respect me at least a bit, I just might do that in their living room, for the sake of a bright future. (Do some japanese nowadays really still do something like that outside TV, anyway?) But that punk? Talking it out ....okaaaaaaiiy, but kneeling? Never.

Also, was there really a scene, when that bro outed himself as a true siscon? I mean not overly protective towards his sister and a bit gay in a humoristic way, but truely attracted to her in a way family better shouldn't be? So far I only see a jerk, who only cares for his sister and his own emotional wellbeing and who tries to protect her (with inexcusable means, that might be the norm in his world. Them being nobles and everything) They tried so hard and everything (their worries and efforts) seemed for naught, as she was in no mortal danger and she seems rather happy. Well, obviously her virginity was in danger, though so was it back in military service, simply one defeat later.

They both, hero+mage, reached their goal and nothing is as expected, yet they still kinda lost her to that other world. His sis is with a common man, her strong female friend suddenly turned wife and mother. Things don't add up like they want them to. Chris not following their world's common sense anymore isn't helping at all. While they aren't confused (Oh, I bet they have understood the situation at hand well enough) they simply are not happy. I can understand that. the hero-brother tries to make justifications to force things into a favorable situation. I know that kind of behavior from other people. I understand, that if you are the hero (with diplomatic power and combat strength), are in a foreign contry and somebody has been taken from you, strong-arming and threatening might acctually work. (They don't expect the JSDF arriving iun a matter of hours. They believe Japan can't muster strong forces fast enough and won't do it for a simple cur.) I get that gorilla. I really do. His reactions and way to handle things make sense. We don't have to paint his as a total lunatic. He isn't the devil. But he isn't an appealing figure either. Acctually I missed a general or somebody two chapters ago, who would have given him his one or two cents about threatening earth's citizens.

Overall, I think we apply a bit too much of our common sense to that situation and we don't put enough effort into seeing things from their perspective. You'll see, If you do, there are still enough reasons left to hate that jerk, but it does't look that much like a forced drama situation anymore.

The loli archmage? Maybe I was a bit too harsh with her before, but she still has to apologize.
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Feb 7, 2023
Ok, yeah looks like they are basically going to make up despite the reservations of the brother and they'll act like he'd just had a light scuffle with the husband and after maybe a bit of back and forth they'll be invited back to the house for some food. The joke is probably going to be the Japanese military turning up after they've already sorted everything out. Kind of a let down for all that build up but what can you do.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2023
How did Kanji find them or leave the hospital?
What was the apology supposed to accomplish? He didn't force Chris to do anything. She made her decisons herself.
I'm assuming it's a Japanese thing.

I would really like to see Kanji, own his decisons and feelings. He fell in love with Chris. Together they decided to get married. Why apologize?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
Dogshit, lazy writing. "oh its all my fault" nah yall have a mutual consenting relationship and this dude is an incestuous muderhobo. Why the author is choosing to go this route i'll never understand.
I'm pretty close to just dropping this. Hopefully it ticks back up here in a few chapters but holy fuck.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Just watch the MC be a total spineless doormat and forgive the brother for breaking several of his bones after the dust has settled in a couple of chapters.

Said this 2 chapters ago, but dear god did I not expect MC to be literally groveling on the ground asking the brother for forgiveness....
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2023
started reading this just this morning and finally caught up at dawn.
Damn, so far, i thought this was just a ‘restaurant to another world’ wholesomeness but, both mc just couldnt catch a break huh, now the government is in deep nosey with chris, brother and mage will be added top priority curiosity now with all them meeting the talkative ex. Well, so far how this goes in few chapters i’ll know if ill drop it. Still a good read, and had some few great chapters like the unexpected wedding and pregnancy.
Thank you scanlator & team!
Not used to reading SoL isekai’s but i guess this just how this genre roles with its feel-good SoL.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
Yeah honestly Kanji shouldn't have apologised, he did nothing wrong. Should've just let Chris do the talking to begin with
May 9, 2019
Seriously, he needs to lose his powers and be punished for his violence and shitty attitude. I am going to be angry if there's some light forgiveness bs...

also, even in a reverse isekai we can't not get the propaganda tired trope of "OMG JAPANESE FOOD SO GOOD!" lol.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
The fact ya'll are so upset with the jerk brother is a sign of how attached we got to Chris and Kanji. It's frustrating, but it's not bad writing that the brother is taking the role of villain.

Beating the villain doesn't necessarily mean winning with violence either. Not that I would mind seeing him get taken down a peg by the JDSF. They're just as likely to beat him by winning over the archmage and sending him back to his world alone, or him recognizing that life in this peaceful modern world is better for Chris. I'm going to wait and see.

p.s. - Medieval European food was terrible. Boiled cow head, anyone? Modern foods are insane with seasoning so it would easily blow the mind of any medieval eater.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2018
the tags say this is an adaptation, any novel readers got any spoilers?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
the food stuff always remembers me that in the middle ages they used plenty of spices to show that they are rich. so i guess a wealthy person from back then would thing our food tasts like nothing and is cheap

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