I like that she refers to these items differently, but it also doesn't make sense. If she is using magic to translate her speech, then it should also be translating the nouns she is using.
@criver It's a food manga. A naive protag who come out to the sticks who then receives a bunch of explanations about produce/food in place of the reader. Instead of having someone come from the city, this one just has a reverse isekai traveler. So if you don't like useless food trivia you're going to be hurting as that's going to be 2/3 of the manga.
@orochijes you just never ate a good one i guess. the easy way to cook them taste sub-par at best.but if you know how to process them, they're simply delicious.
@Kisato different types have different textures of course, but even of the same type can to depending on how you grow it. I've always noticed that the normal western somewhat round tomatoes are slimy and mushy if you pick them before they are fully ripe or wait too long in general to eat them after they are picked. Basically they need to be eaten within a few hours of being picked for optimum yummage. I do think that a lot of veggies are like that except potatoes, corn and a couple other fall harvest crops