
Group Leader
Jan 4, 2019
I have fulfilled my duty to my fellow Scanlation Bushis by uploading the 75th and 76th chapters and yet I must pay the ultimate price because I still think Sense-Scans is the definitive group to handle Orient.


Last but not least, it puts a smile on my face knowing a lot of the Orient aficionados are enjoying this manga.
Dec 15, 2019
It's a shame that stupid shit like this gets scanlated and actual good manga gets abandoned, really says a lot about our society
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 31, 2020
These villains are way too op lmao, we're already at Magi levels of power.
Aug 15, 2020
Yikes the typesetting for the Bushi Graveyard chapters is disgusting and clearly who ever wrote the copy has English as their second language, this series is cursed, slow ass translations and now terrible quality ones.
Group Leader
Jan 4, 2019


Having said so, let this be a lesson for me that even though I have been a translator and proofreader for over a decade, the work of a typesetter is perhaps one of the most difficult which makes me glad at least I can add this to my personal experience although I doubt I will ever typeset a manga again in my life. Have a wonderful summer!
Aug 18, 2019
The new translations are awful. I'm probably fine with whatever else, as long as the font isn't stupid or hard to read.
If the translation/"writing" aren't good, it obviously won't be enjoyable to read.

I find myself just skipping the dialogue and try have the pictures translate what's happening. If I had to read the horrible dialogue, it's easier to imagine everyone with a monotone robot voice as no actual human would ever speak such sentences.

These translations make everyone sound like complete idiots which is unfortunate.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Art in Magi was good in the beginning.

The reason it turned into trash was because the author stopped drawing backgrounds. I'm not even kidding. He literally just stopped drawing backgrounds. Nothing had a sense of position after a while, and nothing had a sense of scale.

Go reread early Magi chapters. They are legitimately beautiful.
Group Leader
Jan 4, 2019
@TitanAnteus Shinobu Ohtaka is a woman and I do not think she really stopped drawing the background per se but decided to focus more on certain elements but lets just agree to disagree.
Dec 24, 2019
Putting choices of words for the translation aside, thank you to the scanlators for giving us the chapters.

As for the manga itself, it's... very different from Magi. The characters feel directionless, and it seems like she's trying to give them more depth, but they just came off indecisive.

To start with, the whole Bushi society feels nonsensical. The country is ravaged by demons for the last century or so, and they're waaaay too divided. You have people who worship the kishin, that's okay. You have people opposing them, that's also okay. But what's the deal with the glory-hogging bullshit? Apparently each Bushi is so fucking uselessly weak, they need to hold hands to take down a kishin. Still they have like a million bands of them, each vying for "glory".

Then the sudden change of direction with the MC. First chapters when he got the Kishin kill stolen from him, he was all "MUH KILL OMG YOU KSER". Which I thought was dumb as fuck, but okay. So 50 chapters in, no more glory. Everyone just let someone's boots to sit on their necks because "we need to take them down" and "it's bigger than just one person." That... feels like a fucking cop out. Like a "whoops, I can't do the story with glory-seeking bands of crazy people with super powered weapons who refuse to work with each other" kind of cop out.

I would have preferred to see more of the dumb "muh kill" nonsense than this change.

Anyway, just a random rant from an insane denizen of the net.
Sep 13, 2020
Jeez reading these comments makes me realize how underappreciated Orient is


That was an awful rant and way to nitpick like crazy. First off, the characters aren't directionless at all. They all have their own goals that they want to achieve and it has been established. Musashi in particular has gotten so much development and his character has even been challenged in his beliefs/ideologies. Kojiro was the only one that felt indecisive at the very start but it only makes sense as he experienced discrimination. Honestly, these characters feel believable considering their past. Also, no shit it's very different from Magi, it's a completely different series with different directions in mind.

The Bushi society doesn't feel nonsensical. Just because they're divided that doesn't mean that they are glory hoggers. They have formed their own alliances so they clearly have a common goal. Plus with the concepts of households, the divide make sense. I'm sure the divide is a good way to open up politics in the future so there's good potential. Personally, I like the teamwork aspect of the series, everyone is contributing. It's not something you see so often in shonens.

Naotora actually saved Musashi back there as it's only possible to break the horns with a Kitetsuto, the KSing was more of a tease/joke than anything. Musashi has ran away from what he wanted as a kid and never chased his dream to become a bushi so it's fair for him to get upset that his first triumph got taken away especially since he never spoke his mind. He also later develops and learns the importance of teamwork. All in all, it's good character writing. Nothing feels directionless at all with the characters.

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