Putting choices of words for the translation aside, thank you to the scanlators for giving us the chapters.
As for the manga itself, it's... very different from Magi. The characters feel directionless, and it seems like she's trying to give them more depth, but they just came off indecisive.
To start with, the whole Bushi society feels nonsensical. The country is ravaged by demons for the last century or so, and they're waaaay too divided. You have people who worship the kishin, that's okay. You have people opposing them, that's also okay. But what's the deal with the glory-hogging bullshit? Apparently each Bushi is so fucking uselessly weak, they need to hold hands to take down a kishin. Still they have like a million bands of them, each vying for "glory".
Then the sudden change of direction with the MC. First chapters when he got the Kishin kill stolen from him, he was all "MUH KILL OMG YOU KSER". Which I thought was dumb as fuck, but okay. So 50 chapters in, no more glory. Everyone just let someone's boots to sit on their necks because "we need to take them down" and "it's bigger than just one person." That... feels like a fucking cop out. Like a "whoops, I can't do the story with glory-seeking bands of crazy people with super powered weapons who refuse to work with each other" kind of cop out.
I would have preferred to see more of the dumb "muh kill" nonsense than this change.
Anyway, just a random rant from an insane denizen of the net.