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dude, she is simply uneasy that he changed and fear to be left behind. literally last chapter talk about it. she never actually force him and physically abuse him to get what she want. she just annoy him, sometimes, that's about it. it also clear while she did have intrusive though, but she didn't try to stop his confession previously, what she ask is assurance that they will still be friends. that's until he say he was confess only for the purpose to get rejected and getting hurt.Doesn't really matter if it employs the same justifications of shit behavior. Or at least some readers seem to be fine with any kind of manipulative behavior as long as it's for ~true love~ or whatever. Also, where's the jump in logic? Isn't Hinaki in this chapter doing the exact things she's criticizing? I mean, if you have arguments as for why her behavior is totally fine that aren't rooted in shoujo logic of "she's in love, so you just gotta accept every shitty thing she does and think it's cute and precious", I'm genuinely willing to discuss.
"But not like that!". Right now she's actively preventing him from either realizing or alternatively getting over his first love, for purely selfish reasons, wanting to preserve an increasingly shaky status quo that she alone desperately wants to cling on to. That's... a pretty shitty thing to do to your alleged best and oldest friend, when the goal is just that you don't want him to change too much.
Again, if this is ever addressed by Hinaki realizing her shitty behavior and reflecting or apologizing, then I'm fine with it. Just as it is presented right now, she's pretty objectively acting in a manipulative and selfish manner towards her best friend, and dresses it up as worrying about him. And if this is for the as of yet unrealized goal of loving him and wanting him to be her lover, then it's also hypocritical.