Aqua seems to become like addict doing anything to get his fix. Like the husband who would sell his wedding ring for it.
Ruby asked Akane and Frill if Aqua plan on making money with their mom. Not exactly, but he will be using Ai as weapon.
If it succeed, yes, the world will see Hikaru as the evil person who ruined Ai's life.
But the "real" Hoshino Ai the world will remember is a woman who had her life ruined and held grudge to Hikaru even in her death.
Would that be the image Aqua and Ruby want the person who is their idol and mother be known for? A victimized, tragic woman who keep getting her happiness taken away. Then Aqua and Ruby will just be another dark mark in her history.
Or would they rather show Ai at least never regret giving birth to Aqua and Ruby (she did persist on having them, as Ichigo told Goro), and they're the happiness she found. Ai as the idol who charmed everyone, a girl in her search for her answer, and as a mother.
Aqua already reject everyone. He break up with Akane, and is still trying to keep distance from Kana. Ruby obviously still hating him. So in the end, there are nobody who can get close enough to help him if he regret what he had done later.
If aqua and ruby go through this entire manga without learning their previous identity pre reincarnation, im gonna be so mad.
Wouldn't be the first to have one big white elephant in the middle of the plot but left unanswered even until the story ends if that happens.