【Oshi no Ko】 - Vol. 16 Ch. 166 - STAR

Group Leader
Jan 11, 2023
People really saying we are hating on the ending for the sake of hating...

Jesus fucking christ, if you are one of those your taste is mediocre at best, how the fuck you don't see how this is ass? Everything leading to this point is useless, aqua whole monologue of wanting to live and ruby not wanting to become like ai, EVERYTHING. Crow girl is possibly the most useless character of them all, she was introduced just to explain the reincarnation shtick and monologue to herself and that is all. Then we have the switch and bait and switch again to kamiki being the villain to nino being the villain then back to kamiki again, what was the fucking point of it? Kamiki manipulated more people besides nino and what was the point of it? And then we have to believe that aka had planned this ending since the beggining? Good god...

No, we are not hating because aqua died or because there is no happy ending or because there is no final ship, we are hating because the execution was shit. Was it a twist? Yeah but not a good one in any possible way, this just feels like the manga was axed and the ending had to be rushed. Aka just got bored of it and decided to end it.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018


Get fucked haters, get fucked fans.
It was ruby's story all along.
The most boring annoying filler minor character piece of shit, it was all for her.
Who gives a fuck about any female side character people actually cared about?

Landslide ruby victory
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
If you think any of these last chapters and the ending were good in any shape or form,

I pity you.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
All because people didn’t handle the romance. Literally no one is happy.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 14, 2023
Alright, imma just say something to those people who think this ending is a good one, a masterpiece even, a 10/10, while also mocking people who hate the ending for being immature and can't handle the shipwreck.

Yall keep saying this ending is realistic, it's a tragedy, in line with the manga's core theme.

Lemme ask yall, how is this a realistic/tragic story in the first place when

A) Someone got cyberbullied online and got suicidal and still live to see the day

B) Someone got groomed and the predator isn't being aggressive about it and let the little girl looses with no harm done to her

Please answer this without looking like an absolute moron (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE) 🙏🙏🙏
Dex-chan lover
Oct 14, 2023
Alright, imma just say something to those people who think this ending is a good one, a masterpiece even, a 10/10, while also mocking people who hate the ending for being immature and can't handle the shipwreck.

Yall keep saying this ending is realistic, it's a tragedy, in line with the manga's core theme.

Lemme ask yall, how is this a realistic/tragic story in the first place when

A) Someone got cyberbullied online and got suicidal and still live to see the day

B) Someone got groomed and the predator isn't being aggressive about it and let the little girl looses with no harm done to her

Please answer this without looking like an absolute moron (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE) 🙏🙏🙏
Also for those who say that we hate the romance ended, i can say most of us don't really give a shit about the shippings.

I'm a fan of one of the girls sure, but i watched waay too much shitty Steven Seagal movies to know shit stories and not. This is one of them.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 3, 2023
Guys, that girl at the end (Page 18) had star eyes. She's Aqua reincarnated. (Can't be Ai, Crow Girl already confirmed she was gone.) We're getting Oshi 2 Ko, guys. And it'll be a co-written by Sugaru Miaki (For the tragedy) and Kobayashi Kina, (For the fact that Aqua's a girl now) so it's not going to be garbage. Trust me guys. I'm not insane. I'm not.

But anyways, I have some opinions on the ending but I'm not going to get too into that because everything I could say has already been said. So in short: this ending just thematically pisses on everything that came before it. Aqua learning to separate himself from his revenge? Nope, he kills himself because he's just that obsessed with killing Kamiki. Ruby becoming the honest idol Ai wanted to become? Haha, no, she stuck pretending she isn't upset Aqua died for the rest of her life.

The shot of the stars was pretty cool though. (Pages 15 and 20) Mengo's art is the only thing making reading this bearable. She should get a bonus or something.

Also, I'm laughing at the people who honestly thought Aqua and Ruby were going to turn out to be actual literal gods right now. The Incesters are truly some of the fans of all time. They've got all the reading comprehension. All of it.

(And if you see this, make sure to change your rating! There's still nearly seven thousand ten stars!)
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2023
People are just mad they didn't get a cookie-cutter happy ending from a show that OBVIOUSLY would not have a happy ending. The first three characters they introduce all instantly die. No way anyone was expecting anything other than a main character dying
People are mad, because 160+ chapter, supposedly complex story and with amazing character build-up ended "flat" as a crêpe. Story ended without any moral whatsoever, one would argue some of it's points even contradicted themself, i.e. all that suicide take or introduction of crow girl and whole plot around her.
But what's even worse, is how author smashed his carefully and painstakingly made characters to the ground with only those few last episodes.
Aqua, who's whole build-up was the most prominent, ended as he begone - with only slight change, that he regretted for a mere second what he has done. 160 chapters of trying to accept who he is, leaving his old-self and revenge that this piece of Gorou inside him carried, only to end up sacrificing himself for the sake of "saving his sister", while it was only to satisfy his narcissism and self-loathing, which were brought from his previous life? Sounds like Aqua from ch. 40, not like Aqua from ch. 140.
Same with Ruby - character build around suffering and agony, experiencing even more dreadful things through her second life, slowly falling into even bigger misery for over 16 years, saved only because fate smiled on her once in her life. Then, after losing everything again, she just get up after it, left alone on this world, like it was nothing.
I could yap and argue for hours how bad this ending was and why it was so shit, but I won't, cause it no longer matter.
But no, people aren't mad, because it wasn't all cutesy and fluffy ending. It's not about Aqua's death per se either. If you really think, that people are giving this story negative feedback with such shallow reason in mind, I guess you are the one, who doesn't understand what was this series about and what we could expect and get at the end.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 23, 2023
this shit feels like the last episode of the promised neverland, like wtf were the last 60 chapters of aquas development even for if after all that "im allowed to have my own life and not be bound by revenge!!!" stuff he just killed himself for no reason. At least we saw everyone else getting over his death in just 2 chapters lmao, "realistic" my ass, biggest letdown of this year

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