[Oshi no Ko] - Vol. 4 Ch. 36 - The Night Before

Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
For real, this is definitely a plot hole that in all this time, they haven't talked about who they were in their past lives, especially since I seem to remember that Aqua noticed from the start Ruby wasn't truly a baby and could already talk etc.
Feb 4, 2018
Poor Kana, falling twice for the same guy.

That's true love.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Nooo kana :( break your leg :)
(if it applies here? i dont know. i'm still using it"

@Rogojinen They ""talked"". One of the chapters they say something about it and them "well whatever, what happened in the past remains in the past, ok?" And thats it.

I dont like it too.
And the adults at the time were like ":eek: babies that can talk and walk, crazy life right? Ok the bye :)"

These and other little things takes away a bit of the charm that the manga could have. Well
Dec 28, 2020
@Rogojinen I think it'd be kind of difficult to bring it up now years later for them especially now since Aqua is so focused and intent on finding his father and Ruby is so focused on becoming an idol. But with them already being connected pre-reincarnation, I imagine its a plot hole that will be filled quite a few chapters down the road. I couldn't see them bringing it up unless they are in a vulnerable or extreme position in the story down the road.
Mar 13, 2019
Not really a plothole but more so they really just didn't give enough fucks early on about the whole reincarnation thing. They were pretty salty with each other when they first found out.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
when you see it youll shit bricks
Aggregator gang
Mar 4, 2019
It's funny to see a former doctor drinking something as unhealthy as monster energy 😄
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Please Kana, don't be the one ruining everything. Your poor self-esteem can't take that hit.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
It's honestly kinda weird that they haven't cleared up the reincarnation thing. It's not like it'd change much at this point, other than maybe drive the plot forward.
Jan 22, 2021
Laughs I almost forgot about this reincarnation thing. So she actually had a crush on the doctor, awkward.


Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2018
Did they really have to make him her first love. Was this info ever mentioned before?
yeah, Serena proposed to him in the first chapter https://guya.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/1/12/
, it's clearly a precocious crush - like a little sister saying I want to marry brother when I grow up, but outgrowing it afterwards, so you shouldn't mind it

And the doctor seemed to have the same affection for Ai who pretty much became his mom.
aqua never sorted out his feelings for ai since she passed away when he was only 4; he realizes it could be just idolization, and he didn't know the real her, so it's also likely not really romantic love.

Love triangle but they’re all family???
have you been reading this manga? ruby's and aqua's relationship is clearly that of siblings (which they biologically are), no chance of romance - especially since aqua thinks of her as a little sister https://mangadex.org/chapter/1164740/6 , and he thinks younger women are out of the question https://mangadex.org/chapter/1164740/10

and Aqua is trying to get over Ai.

@brainman @Rogojinen
ruby didn't want to discuss it and aqua agreed: https://guya.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/7/6/ so it's not a plot hole. I also think that as an adult who cares for his sister, aqua really shouldn't have let it be though, but it's clear aqua isn't infallible, so it's not too out of character.
the revelation would probably be dramatic and I'm betting it will be a major turning point in the story: like when aqua finally stops being so broody and truly gets over ai.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 21, 2019
Man, she wanted to marry the doctor since ch1, we all knew... Why are you now surprised or 'awkward' about it? Just enjoy...
Oct 20, 2019
@Rogojinen @ChopShoppe
I don't think the reincarnation would become a plothole since if you read page 1 of chapter 2 you will see future Ruby showing full trust at her brother, Aqua, and I think that only Ruby will find out about their connection, past life, and will playout more on Ruby gaining more trust to his brother.

I agree to @ChopShoppe theory of it playing out when the story progress is much in deephole but--
Aqua will likely not know anything about their past life like @ChopShoppe said because Aqua is too focus on finding their father but you miss out another fact it is that Aqua always remembers of Serena on Ruby's attitude or when seeing Ai or might also be idols in general, like on chapter 2 - 3 Aqua might mutter Serena's name again and this might cause Ruby to atleast question about Aqua's past life.

Or atleast thats how I view it.
In conclusion, it is likely just an extra background on the characters. Also to point out the line of Ruby when they were little about leaving the past might also be a hint that their past life will not play that much significance on the story. But lets just see how genuis mangaka Akasaka Aka will use this backgrounds in order to make character development, I'm more interested on it since it is just a untouched material right now.

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