What a weenie-- Hinata's already indicated a desire for him but she doesn't want to deal with contemplating how she initiated any sex, so she's relinquishing her agency and trying to goad him into "doing the sex to her" so she doesn't have to bother with making and following through with the decision herself. I know this gambit better than the back of my hand.
Her low self-confidence on account of her failure to find lasting intimate companionship has already been established as a major factor in her hesitance to accept Shou's feelings, and I think it's been about as solidly established that she's hiding behind practical and reasonable-sounding concerns (e.g. their (former) teacher-student relationship, his age and the life he has ahead of him compared to her) to cover for what's simply a cratered self-esteem. I mean, she
does genuinely believe in those concerns, but there's more than that.
Between Shou's own hesitance (born out of care for her) and his inability to reconcile his romantic affection with his sexual attraction, and Hinata's self-offering that doesn't itself correspond to a demonstrated inner desire to be so used, I'm not expecting this encounter to end with sex. Which is fine in its own right, but this "arc" has had multiple chapters that have been mostly/entirely flashbacks like the author elected to start modeling the manga's pacing after Jujutsu Kaisen. And the flashbacks are fine and valuable in their own right, but I feel "off" about all this overall escalation not actually concluding with sex even if what's likely to happen will be more valuable to both characters.
There's a nonzero chance that what I'm feeling is mostly a product of not reading the manga (which has rather small chapters) on its own release schedule, though. Like, if I was reading this more quickly, I probably wouldn't think as much of the buildup as I currently do.
That aside: I don't quite understand how she shifted from
her condition in her penultimate spread last chapter, back into the
holding position she was in two chapters prior to that. Was the former mostly in Shou's head? It couldn't have been-- there was build up to that.
Wait, how's this joint under a shounen label?