Ossan Teihen Chiyu-shi to Manasume no Henkyou Life - Vol. 5 Ch. 21 - Jill's End

Double-page supporter
Mar 12, 2018
I wonder if Jill didn't get a bit of brainwashing magic. Not enough to be totally controlled but enough to run amok
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
That's what 2 people left at most? Besides Jill, the bald dude got beheaded two chapters ago by the one "vigilante," and one of the ladies is also in the town as one of the guards.
actually 3, but Reda will only face 2
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
I like the detail at the end, there are 4 people of Jill's henchmen/women (including the mage girl) who got hanged before Jill.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2024
Might want to focus more on proof-reading and less on the notes and comments.
cool bro,
do you mean to say, I gotta check my grammar or phrasing?
is it that hard to understand that you have to talk about it?
all the chapter to talk about and you talk about this, huh? cool
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2024

Spoiler alert, no one cares about what a translator personally thinks about a character or story beats of manga. This isn't your live stream of a video game.

This would be the equivalent of an Atlus translator adding notes on Persona, saying, "Oh man, this new girl is so hot," or "damn, the bad guy got bitch slapped son" next to the story dialog.
then just close your eyes bruh
if you don't care, then just skip
I'm not saying that you have to read it
what? I'm not even able to express how I feel anymore?
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 17, 2024
Ooof that's some rough trauma she's going to have to overcome. Very funny that they immediately contrast that intense scene with Meirin calling it "Happily Ever After" lmao.

Thanks for the translation! Contrary to what some others say, I think you do a pretty good job.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018

Aw, it's her first cringe! That's cute.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Also kinda hilarious to see healer girl automatically assuming she's gonna be charged so much she'd have to become a slave to pay it. Couldn't see anything at all wrong with that system, eh?
At least she wasn't a hypocrite! She held herself to the same standards, or conditions, as others. So, she realised high heal would be out of her reach and thus was terrified. She didn't just assume she deserved it. This is essentially why I thought it would be good if she survived if this changes her mind about things. Since she's in a good position in the healers' guild's capital office, she could, perhaps, start to change the guild to do more work for lower prices, helping not only the rich. Although that doesn't really change the fundamental problem, which seems to be too few healers. If there were enough healers and thus enough competition, prices should lower on their own. But I'd assume that the rotten healers' guild actually also did its best to keep the healers very rare, not only to keep the prices up. Maybe it would be better if Amanda begged the king for a permission to establish a second healers' guild, which would operate differently.
Nov 13, 2019
Well I hope Amanda still apologizes to reda since she told the bandits everything and still got saved from him. I mean she should at least to do something like this or help him out in his work to repay the kindness. Let's see
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2023
That is a wild level of self delusion, even for a manga like this. Impressive, really.

Also kinda hilarious to see healer girl automatically assuming she's gonna be charged so much she'd have to become a slave to pay it. Couldn't see anything at all wrong with that system, eh?
Amanda was a healer with the Healers Guild and if she had healed someone in the same condition (near death) that she was in and that person couldn't pay the price set by the Healers Guild for being healed by "High Heal" then that person would have been forced to be a slave. This was something that Amanda (the female healer) was well aware of.
How do you even be that delusional
Jill was a violent idiot with abandonment issues that believed everyone was out to get him or wanted to take what he believed was his (i.e. when he attacked other adventurers who approached Jill's teammates). I am also curious what the informant wanted to gain when he informed Jill that Reda was receiving favoritism from a noble and would eventually be promoted and leave his team (Jills team) because he could utilize Heal (further solidifying Jills delusional state).
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
No there is absolute need for that horrible bitch to become slave. And then be forced to work to pay of the fees. That is only justice she deserves. Make her work until she loses her mind and then some more.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
Welp, Amanda can't get married now...

...so she'll just join Reda's harem so he can take responsibility lol

Hopefully Jill died and not some BS where some shady noble and/or organization saved him for whatever reason
Double-page supporter
Oct 25, 2023
I get that the pricing of the healers guild is an issue but you all act like she was the one who could set the prices of an already normal (by the set standards of their government. I personally don't like the system or find it normal) system. Karma comes for all but that was not Karma. That was evil. No. She didn't deserve that treatment and anyone thinking otherwise I pity.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019

So, because she talks too much shit, and she may have overcharged for health insurance, she deserved to be brutally beaten and raped for days?
That's the general consensus of the comment section?


What the fuck is even wrong with people who think rape is a justifiable action, much less punishment? Much MUCH less, a punishment for irritating you?!
Because nobody was saying that Jill should be tied to some stocks, and let a horse fuck his ass in public as punishment. (Except me; I think that's a valid punishment for him)

Which make people wonder why the girl deserves rape, but the guy is cool getting hung by the neck.

Shit like this seriously makes people (who are not closet rapists) really worry about what happens when any girl argues and/or says "No" to a date, a ride, or any kind of interaction with a male.

It makes us all sound like rapists.

Seriously; I thought we covered this years ago.

(Yeah, it's just a manga; or just a movie; or just a series; or just the news; it's the Topic, not the Medium)
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
I'm happy to see she survived, possibly she wasn't raped, that would have added injury and insult to injury, as the bandits started with the maces and twisted as they were I doubt they would have raped her after making a bloody mess.
I thought she was a better person but seeing her first reaction being becoming a debt slave as sad, even true that for her the rules of the healing guild were so important no one was immune, not even herself, praiseworthy in a way.
Jill...a very twisted guy, I daresay the informant didn't want to help but crush his future, but he was screwed from the start, causing problems in a loop and never learning, not believing in his close ally after so long but a random rat words fully fixed his focus, would have fell on his own.
Now we just need to see karma for the bitch that stole MC money for years (I hope she at least paid it off with her money somehow when they were a "couple"), maybe killed by the "succesfull adventurer" for being a hoe.

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