Seriously man, why is this man so stupid? He read books and stuff about the hero and the demon lord. Both 8 year old girls already know who the fuck they are, and a 30+ year old can't do a 1+1 and realize who the kids are, the fucking hero cult appears looking for a hero and the retard still thinks she's not the hero? He has had every single lead into who they are, books and both sigils, the prophecy made eight years ago, coincidentally the age of the girls, yeah, must be the wind or something, huh, and now the hero cult. Jesus fucking christ, speak about dense people, I'm seriously trying not to drop this, but man, it's hard at best, come on... What's left is that after Lusha says she's the hero or something either he'll say "nah, you're wrong, you can't be the hero" and proceed to try to continue their attempt at slow life or "Oh jeezuzfakinkrist, howie did I nyot rialeiz it bifouwur" with a shocking face and all the panels doing flashbacks to each one of the times he got the obvious information