@mimi0613 I think this isn't considered as Pedophile 'cuz being a pedo is just for having a feelings on elemetary students so since he's an high school student while she is a college student just an age differences.
he's like 17-18, 15 the youngest, but it's unlikely because he seems older. the girl look young and probably around 18-19, 20 max. relationship around that age are legal in japan because they have close age gap.
Sorted by recent because though "why the hell not" and found this, nice, thanks for one of the only completed manga I've read recently! My currently reading was getting a bit out of control haha
Wtf was with chapter 23? Just throwing in a random possible love interest for the heck of it? Lol, here I was thinking that she was gonna confess to him and then otaku overhears then plays out how every romcom does.