Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... - Vol. 5 Ch. 27 - The prisoner ①

Double-page supporter
Apr 18, 2018
OMG! please dear ln readers, spoil me, why has this happened within the spoil tag ofc so others are not spoiled.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Something seems really off with Rufus. That shadow next to him on page 12 seems more than just something to make him appear darker. His attitude is way off for a butler. It's like he's better than everyone there, wording polite but tone and demeanor isn't, and doesn't seem to have any respect or positive outlook for Serena. Servants never touch nobles without permission or adequate reason (like the noble collapsed and had to carry him inside,) as it could be construed as an insult or over-familiarity resulting in a flogging and/or fired (possible black listed.) Also, to make it harder for would be assassins to strike. Furthermore she's the fiance of a prince and casually touching her like that could be misconstrued. Then there's the fact she went from overly emotional to enervated and obedient after he touched her is similar to the Student Council President's Dark Magic.
As for why kidnapped MC, this is just a guess but since Serena is there and she said it wasn't about money along with ransom letter sent to Gerard I'd say Rufus is working for a third party who wants Gerard and Serena's fiances out of the running for emperor. Although until third party introduces themselves won't know who they are. Likely a corrupt noble in one of the remaining princes' factions. If another prince was directly behind it there'd be more people there like professional guards but have only seen Serena, Lana and Rufus. Not sure about Lana's involvement as doesn't seem arrogant like Rufus, or being befuddled like Serena but despite kind demeanor is trusted enough to help out albeit with limited authority. In any case, MC has been kidnapped and slow on the uptake. However, Gerard and co. aren't going to be sitting idle and quietly moving heaven and earth to find MC as no guarantees she'll be returned safe and sound much less that the letter is from ones who actually kidnapped her.
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
@Mathiason One reason he would be treating a noble like that as a butler is that she's not the noble he's serving. If his master also has her in their custody, then he wouldn't see her as above him.
Jan 28, 2018
I feel that, from all the names someone could give to Geordo in a translation, the best would be George, none of those actually fits to me
Either way, the chapter was so short, I was expecting more
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
So what was the reason for attempting to snipe? The current translating groups last chapter post was less than a month ago, so you can't even claim you were picking up a possible dropped series.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
I even gave you an image with his official romanized name on it and you're still pretending to be stupid/blind.
Do I need to post more from the raw (japanese) manga source? Nah, nvm. There's just no talking to your stubbornness.
6 scanlation groups (including the spin-offs) and none of them got Geordo's name right. It's just embarrassing at this point.
Mar 6, 2019
Moreeeeee pleaseeee, I hope they won't ask Geordo to cancel the engagement bc that's just stupid and underhanded. For sure they'll save Katarina, heck she has an army of devoters. Or she'll be able to persuade them to be released like what she always do lol.

Thank you for the update! 💖
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
So what was the reason for attempting to snipe?
During last couple of weeks I've been wanting to find out what happens next, waiting patiently for the release of the next chapter. Today's morning I ran out of patience.
The current translating groups last chapter post was less than a month ago
I went to check out how much longer I had to wait, and found out that there are at least three more untranslated chapters. Do you really need a month to translate 16 pages? I thought no, so I downloaded Japanese raws and Google-translated them.
If I knew that the other translator (who actually knows how to redraw, probably has a native English and a person who can read Japanese in their team and whose translation is actually better - there is no point to deny it) was going to release the chapter the same day, I wouldn't have gone that far, wasted hours on this and brought an anger of strangers on myself.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
I even gave you an image with his official romanized name on it and you're still pretending to be stupid/blind
Could you please provide a link to the page that states that it's his official name? When I was struggling to translate that name, I searched for wiki / MyAnimeList and found the variant I used. I've given the links to those websites in my earlier comment.
Do I need to post more from the raw (japanese) manga source?
Yeah, that would be nice. Does it contain the romanized name?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
This is the arc I stopped on due to the web novel no longer being updated on novelupdates.
She gets pomfed briefly and asks what they're gonna do on the bed.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
That's from episode 1 of the anime. That's not a subtitle, that's the original text.
There's nothing to argue anymore since I found out that you apparently guesslated everything with google translate.

Apr 26, 2018
@jdjohndoe13 Thanks so much for your hard work and providing us with this chapter! Your dedication was obvious. I founded your work delightful and I was so happy that you respected the previous translators group and keep Gerard name right! Seriously make me want to high you.

Please don't care about the haters. They have no life and just want to bother other when they don't do shit.

Anyways, thanks for you lovely work! I hope you keep you!
Apr 26, 2018
@Kanami-chan The first group that translated this manga decided to translate the main male lead name as Gerard. For the sake of respecting the previous translators, they continue using Gerard.

If you want people to use the correct romanization, go ask that of the official translation. You're not paying anyone in here to be so demanding.
Apr 26, 2018
@Kanami-chan It's not whining when you just saying facts. Sorry you can't get that.

Also, darling, I used to garbage translations - I mean, I read all the chapters that Galaxy group released from this series, so I know all about that. But this one isn't half bad for someone who just started.

Anyway, I hope you put this same energy you have in pestering others in buying the official releases of this series and supporting the author.

Have a good day.
Jul 27, 2018
Thanks for the translation!

I love the force clash between reader's patience vs the scanlators stockpile building. It speaks to my economics minor.

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